federal signal (shanghai) environmental and sanitary vehicle co.,ltd., founded in dec.2005, is jointly invested by environment product group (epg) which is under federal signal corporation of united sates, shanghai environmental and sanitary vehicle & equipment firm which is under the shanghai environment group, and umw industrial trading (shanghai) co.,ltd. <br><br>as one of the investors, federal signal corporation, founded in 1901, is the listed company in new york. the company comprises the following four major operating groups: environmental products group, fire rescue group, safety products group and tool group, which provides a wide range of products to countries all over the world. <br><br>the environmental products group (epg), comprising elgin sweeper company, jeststream of houston, vactor manufacturing inc., guzzler manufacturing inc. and ravo b.v., manufactures and markets worldwide a full range of street and parking lot sweeping, high-performance water-blasting equipment, municipal sewer and catch basin cleaning vehicles, industrial vacuuming and refuse trucks.<br><br>the company is located at xinzhuang in the northwest of shanghai with the area of m2 and the total investment is 5 million of usd. by introducing the world-class advanced technology from epg of usa, the company focuses on designing, manufacturing and selling a wide diversity of sanitation special vehicles including refuse truck and street sweeper. the company highlights the advanced and modern equipments including anti-corrosive treatment equipment for steel structure, conjoined oven room, digital laser cutting, welding machines,<br>which hold the leading position in the related field. our company’s mission is to be an emerging asian market leader in providing the highest quality environmental & sanitary products to government and industrial customers.<br><br>due to the development of the company and the parent company, federal signal corporate as well, we are looking for the people who are positive, committed and have high potential to join us. we are counting on your dedication and determination to make our quest for product leadership a reality.<br><br>美国联邦信号集团,成立于年于纽约股票交易市场上市。联邦信号旗下有四大集团:环境产品集团、安全产品集团、工具集团以及消防产品集团,是生产安全产品、信号和通信设备、消防产品、扫路车、垃圾车、高性能冲洗设备、停车控制设备、碳化超硬切削刀具、精密冲压机和塑胶注模配件等的制造商和全球供应商。<br><br>作为美国环境产品行业的领导者,联邦信号环境产品集团与马来西亚优迈达工业设备(上海)有限公司和上海环境集团下属的上海市市容环卫车辆设备厂联合投资500万美元,于2005年12月成立了上海联信环境卫生车辆有限公司。公司坐落于莘庄,建筑面积平方米。首先引进中国的产品是扫路机和垃圾车。上海联信结合美国的先进生产工艺、并针对中国市场的实际需求,对产品进行改良,并通过“多元本土化”管理,创造最大价值,实现迅速增长。公司立足上海,面向亚太,目标是成为亚洲市场的引领者,为所有用户提供最高质量的环境卫生产品。请不要重复发送简历,并只发送该职位所标明的邮箱,谢谢。<br><br><br>公司网站:<br>美国公司网址:http://federalsignal.com查看更多
- 公司名称: 上海联信环境卫生车辆有限公司
- 公司状态: 注销
- 行业: 专用设备制造业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(台港澳与境内合资)
- 地址: 上海市闵行区莘北路518号
- 法人代表: 吴宇青
- 注册资本: 500万美元
- 注册时间: 2005年12月21日
- 注册号: 040105
- 登记机关: 上海市工商行政管理局
- 注册地址: 上海市闵行区莘北路518号
- 营业期限: 2005-12-21至2055-12-20
- 核准日期: 2005年12月21日
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