


  • 五险一金
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  • 加班补贴
  • 人性化管理
  • 提升空间大
  • 良性竞争机制






广东省都市豪庭国际酒店是一家4星级标准酒店,距离火车站约15分钟车程,广州白云机场约30分钟车程。<br>■客房<br>   酒店拥有 367 间舒适雅致、风格各异客房,设有高级商务双人房、高级商务套房、豪华商务套房、行政商务双人房、行政商务套房、豪华行政套房、残疾人房七种房型可为您提供多层次的选择,客房内配有丰盛迷你酒吧、室内保险箱、中央空调、茶具及咖啡具、写字台、国际/国内长途电话直拨、高速宽带上网等设施。<br>   ■餐饮<br>   酒店设有风格雅致的中、西餐厅,多功能宴会厅,高级宴会包房组成。主营正宗西餐、东南亚风味菜、本地海派菜,粤菜,川菜。这里是美食的天堂,汇集各地名厨,荟萃中外名菜。无论是喜庆宴席还是商务应酬,都市豪庭国际酒店是您最佳选择。<br>   ■会议<br>   酒店会议中心设有可容纳250人的多功能厅和贵宾接见厅、董事会议室等7间大小各异的会议室。会议中心分布在酒店2楼、4楼,配备有灯光、视听影音系统、同声翻译系统、多媒体系统、会议记录等先进设备。并拥有一支训练有素的会议服务队伍,随时为您提供高效专业的会议接待和周到殷情的服务,是您举办各种董事会议、贵宾接特、商务会议、培训、新闻发布会、商业展示、主题晚会和盛大宴会的理想场所。<br>   ■康乐及其他服务设施<br>   康体休闲中心是集spa、棋牌、桌球、乒乓球、健身为一体的引领时代潮流,享受健康快乐的休闲中心。<br>康体中心装修豪华,设备上乘、环境优美、洁净卫生、浴种繁多,可达健康水疗之功效,中心内设有休闲音乐大厅,按摩室、桑拿室、棋牌室、桌球室、乒乓球室、健身室等。<br>    ktv提倡"以人为本"的最佳管理模式,服务生亲切的笑容,起伏不断的问侯声,让您体会到的是服务的真谛.包厢人性化的布置,多彩的墙纸艺术,空间感强烈,梦幻般的宝光画幅,让您忘记了工作,走进了天堂,在这段快乐的时光中充分展现歌喉,完您一个激情的梦想.<br>  地址:  酒店网站:www.gzdsht.com     招聘负责人:李小姐,手机:    办公电话:     咨询:<br><br>guangdong international hotel city palace is a 4-star standard hotel, away from the railway station about 15 minutes, the guangzhou baiyun airport about 30 minutes. <br>■ room <br>hotels have 367 elegant and comfortable, different style rooms, double rooms equipped with high-level business, high-level business suites, luxury suites business, a business executive double room, executive business suites, luxury executive suites, people with room for seven chamber you choose to provide multi-level, with sumptuous rooms with mini-bar, safe room, central air-conditioning, tea and coffee equipment, desk, the international / domestic long-distance direct-dial telephone, high-speed broadband internet facilities. <br>■ restaurant <br>hotel with elegant style of chinese and western restaurants, multi-functional banquet hall, composed of senior banquet rooms. main authentic western, south-east asia flavor dishes, local dishes of shanghai, guangdong, sichuan. this is a paradise for food, chefs around the pool, the renowned chinese and foreign famous dish. both festive feast or entertainment business, the city palace hotel is the best choice for you. <br>■ conference <br>convention center hotel with a capacity of 250 guests and multi-function hall meeting hall, conference room, and other directors of 7 conference rooms of varying size. convention center hotel in the 2nd floor, 4th floor, equipped with lighting, audio-video systems, simultaneous translation systems, multimedia systems, minutes of meetings and other advanced equipment. and has a well-trained team of conference services at any time for you to provide efficient, professional and considerate reception of the meeting yin conditions of service, you are holding a variety of board meetings, special vip access, business meetings, training, press conferences, business show, the theme of the evening gala dinner and an ideal place. <br>■ recreational and other facilities <br>leisure and sports center was set spa, qipai, billiard, table tennis, body-building as one of the leading trend of the times, healthy and happy to enjoy the leisure center. <br>sports center decoration luxury, superior facilities and beautiful environment, clean health, many kinds of baths, up to the effectiveness of the health spa, leisure centers equipped with music hall, massage room, sauna, steppenwolf room, billiard room, table-tennis room, fitness room and so on. <br>ktv to promote "people-oriented" best management style, warm smile of health services, the constant ups and downs of voice greetings and let you realize that the true meaning of service. humanization of the box set, colorful art wallpaper, a strong sense of space, the dream baoguang-like frame, so that you have forgotten, went into a paradise of happiness during this time to show full voice, your passion of a dream. <br>address: web site: www.gzdsht.com in charge of recruitment: miss li, phone:  office tel :  advisory:







当前位置: 人才网 > 东莞人才网 > 广东省都市豪庭国际酒店俱乐部招聘

手机版: 广东省都市豪庭国际酒店俱乐部招聘
