2008年我们已经将原有的代表处注册成为了独立的公司,更方便为国内客户提供周到的服务。我们将继续秉承御峰理财之道。<br>我们是经验丰富的专业理财顾问公司,致力为客户提供高素质的理财及投资管理服务。我们创建于香港,面向国际化的客户。为了更好地为我们的客户服务,我们於2005年在上海成立了办事处,并诚邀有志之士参加本公司。我们将提供广阔的前景,良好的发展机会。<br>在香港,理财顾问助人助己,备受尊崇,是二十一世纪紧俏人才,本公司涉及的金融产品来自世界各地,而客户也是国际化的,本公司经验丰富的理财师将提供系统的在职指导和培训,因此该工作将开阔您的视野,铸就您秀丽的专业前途。<br>有意申请者请将个人履历用电子邮件寄至:,须注明申请职位。<br>we are a boutique independent financial advisor providing quality financial planning and investment management services for clients seeking reliable and top-notched advice and services. we are based in hong kong and our clients are international. in order to better serve our clients, we have set up an office in shanghai. we are offering promising career prospects to qualified individuals to take up positions of financial planning consultant. since we offer world-wide financial products and our clients are international, you will have very good exposure in your career development. in addition, we shall provide on-the-job coaching and training by our experienced financial planners from hong kong.<br>financial planners have been voted as the best profession among 250 selected jobs by u. s. jobs rated almanac. this respected profession helps people achieve financial freedom and enjoy quality of life. they are the most sought after valuable human resources in the 21st century.<br>you are welcome to browse our<br>interested applicants should submit their applications by email to , stating the applied position.查看更多
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