breconridge is one of the top 50 electronics manufacturing services (ems) companies in the world. headquartered in ottawa, canada, breconridge has facilities located across the globe, in canada, the united states, the united kingdom, the prc and hong kong. breconridge employs state-of-the-art technology and world-class talent, it services customers in the telecommunications, industrial and consumer market sectors, breconridge delivers: design, process and test engineering services, component sourcing, global procurement, supply chain management, manufacturing, order fulfillment, and distribution services, along with after sales support, including product repair, refurbishment, warranty tracking and complete logistics services.<br> <br>breconridge facility in the prc is located in songgang, shnezhen. the facility is a joint venture with av concept limited, a hong kong listed company. it is an iso and iso certified facility with sq ft manufacturing area and 800 employees. the facility is equipped with leading edge surface mount technology, in-circuit testing, functional testing and optical communication and testing equipment. <br><br>breconridge is run by highly-skilled people who understand the need for efficiency and who enjoy the advantages of a well-managed enterprise. our mandate is linking inspiration, innovation and supply. to do that, we need talented people who are energized by change, ready for challenges and think 'outside the box'. our policy is simple: breconridge hires talented people and provides them with opportunities to make a difference. your efforts will be supported by professional resources and a positive work environment.<br><br>breconridge offers comprehensive training, career development prospects and competitive remuneration packages.<br><br>breconridge是世界排名前50名的电子产品制造商(ems)之一,公司总部设在加拿大渥太华,br的经营机构遍布全球,在加拿大,美国, 英国, 香港和中国大陆均设有分公司。br采用最先进的生产技术和招募世界一流的人才,我们的业务遍布通讯,工业,及消费者市场的各个领域。我们为客户提供产品设计,加工,工程测试,电子原件开发,全球采购,供应链管理,生产制造,订单履行,销售运输的服务,另外还有售后服务支持,包括 (产品维修,返新,保修期追踪和完善的后勤服务).<br><br>breconridge在中国大陆的厂房设在深圳市宝安区松岗镇。松岗卓和制品厂,是与香港先思行集团合资经营的来料加工厂,通过了 iso质量体系认证及iso环境体系认证。现有职员工800多人,厂房面积超过平方尺,厂内设备一流,包括高尖端技术的表面接焊生产线,ic测试,功能测试和光纤通讯等设备。<br><br>breconridge是在一支高效率、高技能的精英管理队伍的领导下不段发展壮大的。我们的使命是把灵感、创新和供应相链接。因此,我们需要一批能适于变化,勇于挑战和敢于创新的综合型人才。br的用人政策很简单,即是给人才提供一个发展创造的机遇。您的努力将会得到我们专业的资源和积极的工作环境的大力支持。<br><br>我们提供的基本福利:<br><br>1、每周5天、每天8小时工作制;车间职位按照劳动法计发加班费。<br>2、提供带薪年假、婚假、产假等假日;<br>3、年度调薪;<br>4、为职员免费提供住宿及伙食补贴。<br>5、根据法律规定提供社会保险。<br><br>乘车路线:<br>乘车至松岗天虹商场(松岗镇政府、宝利来酒店)下,乘坐4元摩托车至卓和电子厂即可。<br><br><br><br>此外,breconridge还为您提供全面的培训,良好的事业发展前景和有竞争力的薪资报酬。查看更多
- 公司名称: 深圳市宝安区松岗卓和制品厂
- 公司状态: 注销
- 行业: 橡胶和塑料制品业
- 公司类型: 来料加工
- 地址: 深圳市宝安区松岗街道楼岗大洋工业区8号
- 法人代表: 王海芳
- 注册资本: 24.3万人民币
- 注册时间: 1995年01月11日
- 登记机关: 深圳市市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 深圳市宝安区松岗街道楼岗大洋工业区8号
- 营业期限: 1995-01-11至2013-08-15
- 核准日期: 2012年04月11日
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