about us<br>快乐、健康、智慧,是每一个家长对孩子的祝愿,从1996年公司成立起,这一愿望便成为木马智慧玩具公司的经营目标,历经十余载,木马智慧玩具有限公司现已经发展成为一家品牌玩具企业。<br>木马智慧玩具的每款产品都保证环保、充满快乐和智慧,同时注重把教育理念融入到玩具当中,从而吸引了一大批木马产品的忠实消费者和全国各地的代理商,公司产品现在多达多个品种,并仍在不断推陈出新,产品的销售渠道覆盖了全国各地商场、幼教机构、连锁机构、企事业单位和互联网,从而有效地满足了国内市场对木制玩具的需求。<br>为了开拓海外市场,公司专门注册了“muma”商标并开发了诸多的外销产品,现已和美国、俄罗斯、罗马尼亚、英国、日本、蒙古等多个国家的客户开展了多层次合作,稳步将产品和品牌推向了国际市场。<br>木用绿色为人们带来健康,我们取其为材;马用奔腾展示自己的快乐,我们取其为名;人以智慧居于万物之首,我们取其为本,三者汇成一条快乐的、健康的、智慧的清泉,使每一个饮取它的孩子一生璀璨若星辰。<br>木马智慧玩具——送给孩子一个永不磨灭的快乐童年。<br>about us<br>to be happy,health and full of wisdom is the sincere wish of all parents to their kids.starting from 1996,this goal has become the paramount purpose that beijing smart toy is pursuing.during the past ten years,beijing smart toy has successfully developed herself into a toy enterprise.<br>we specialize in designing and producing educational,safe and fun oriented products using non-toxic wooden materials and paints.our company not only owns a group of enthusiastic and professional designers and engineers who are eager to create fabulous toys for children but also has sincere and cautious management team as well as industrial and hardworking workers.<br>products of our company can mainly be divided into 12 categories with more than 300 types.the main categories include the following:jigsaw puzzles,amusement toys,game for babies,educational abacus,tools,educational combinations,blocks,transportation toys,dragging animals,mental cultivation and wisdom development toys,mosaic,etc.<br>our domestic sales network covers department stores,shopping centers,children education units,chain stores,enterprises,internet as well as local agents all over china.meanwhile,beijing smart toy created muma as a special brand for export.our products are promoted and sold in the international market such as usa,russia,romania,uk,japan,vietnam and mongolia.<br>the advantage of our products lies in high quality of being hundred percent wood,non-toxic,safe,environment protecting and fully recyclable as well as the appearance of lightness and hand carry.furthermore,our products are designed to offer kids good chances to learn colors,distinguish shapes and understand other basic concepts from outer appearance of each individual toy as well as to cultivate their senses for keen observation and logical thinking while playing.we believe that it is a most effective way to develop kids'self-confidence,intelligence,flexibility and creativity at their starting stage.<br>beijing smart toy children a memorable and cheerful childhood!查看更多

- 公司名称: 北京木马智慧教育科技股份有限公司
- 公司状态: 在业
- 行业: 科技推广和应用服务业
- 公司类型: 股份有限公司(非上市、自然人投资或控股)
- 地址: 北京市石景山区苹果路2号院1号楼9层902
- 企业规模: 小于50人
- 法人代表: 温建朋
- 注册资本: 1548万人民币
- 注册时间: 1998年08月18日
- 注册号: 110103004647523
- 统一社会信用代码: 91110101102048515F
- 组织机构代码: 102048515
- 登记机关: 北京市工商行政管理局石景山分局
- 注册地址: 北京市石景山区苹果路2号院1号楼9层902
- 营业期限: 1998-08-18至无固定期限
- 核准日期: 2019年09月29日
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