bp zhuhai chemical co., ltd. is a joint venture of bp 85% and zhuhai fuhua group 15% (bpz) bpz manufactures purified terephthalic acid (pta). bpz phase i, tonne pta plant investment, was completed successfully in q1 2003. the phase i investment reaches us$360m. bpz produces high quality pta for the china market and uses bp’s advanced x technology in pta industry. the plant is the most advanced of its kind in china. <br><br>a phase ii project to expand pta production to tonnes more per annum using bp’s most advanced sox production technology is under construction now and was put into production in q4 2007 successfully. the phase ii investment in bpz is over us$300m. <br><br>bpz’s hse goals are “no accidents, no harm to people and no damage the environment”. there is a strong focus on developing staff hse capability and competencies within the jv. bp’s hse management practices and standards have been adopted by bpz. the jv continues to develop a positive hse culture, which focuses on promoting “every individual taking responsibility for safety at work”. <br><br>珠海碧辟化工有限公司(bpz) 是由bp公司(85%)与珠海富华集团(15%)合资兴建的大型石化企业。bp 公司是世界著名石油、石化和能源集团之一,位居全球500强的前10位,在全球六大洲100多个国家都有业务。公司生产精对苯二甲酸(pta),一期投资3.6亿美元,年产量35万吨。在2003一季度顺利投产。pta是生产聚酯(polyester)的主要原料。应用的是pta领域最先进的技术。<br><br>投资3亿美元的的年产量90万吨的二期项目已于2007年四季度顺利投产。<br><br>bpz在健康、安全、环保方面的目标是“对人没有事故和伤害,对环境没有破坏。”bpz采用的是bp集团的健康、安全、环保的管理和标准。bpz倡导“安全生产,人人有责。”形成了一个良好的健康、安全、环保文化。 <br><br>有意者, 请直接通过本网站系统申请。请务必在简历中注明您申请的岗位。公司谢绝电话查询和登门拜访.如果在发送简历后六周内没有接到我们的面试邀请, 您可视为此次申请没有成功。查看更多
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