仕达富faro recruitment (原staff service) 成立于1981 年,是全球知名的招聘和人才资源管理公司,服务网络遍及亚太、欧洲、大洋洲和美洲。<br><br>在过去的27年内,我们迅速地增长,并计划继续扩展我们在全球的业务。凭借80多个分支机构和约1000名员工,我们开发了迎合各种垂直领域的专业市场地位。我们的客户既有日本企业和卓越的500强跨国企业,也有中小型企业,并且横跨多种行业。<br><br>基于人力资源市场不断的演进,我们决定改变公司名称以因应整个时代演进的新貌。“faro”在西班牙文里有灯塔之意,因此,我们的新公司品牌正代表了一盏的新的指引明灯,将我们所有前瞻的客户与寻求职业更上一层楼的专业精英,紧紧地联系在一起。<br>我们的集团、管理阶层和顾问团队保持不变,但却更努力为客户提供因当地市场需求而量身打造的全面人才资源解决方案。藉由我们集团的强大经济支持,我们致力成为您的长期职场合作伙伴。<br>我们的全球网络:<br>澳大利亚、匈牙利、波兰、泰国<br>巴西、印度尼西亚、新加坡、英国<br>中国 & 香港、意大利、西班牙、美国<br>法国、日本、瑞士、越南<br><br>您职业生涯的合作伙伴<br>寻找新工作不但要花很多时间,并且还需具有一定的技巧。依靠我们人才专员的知识,增加您找到理想工作和雇主的机会。我们为您提供个人职业建议、人才市场资讯,向您推荐您所选行业内的就业机会,为您制定多种选择与后备方案。<br><br>我们不仅提供招聘服务,还是您的职业生涯中的合作伙伴,因为我们可以:<br>- 评估您的技能及分析求职市场<br>- 提供长期职位、合约制及临时职位的选择建议<br>- 完善您的个人简历及陈述<br>- 提供面试技巧的培训及建议<br>- 与您期望的雇主接洽,为您做有效的推销<br>- 安排及协调面试<br>- 为您提供面试前全面的情况介绍,包括雇主的历史、企业文化及价值观<br>- 协助薪资谈判,并确保劳动法的所有规定得实施<br> <br>我们的专业服务包括:<br>- 高级人才中介 - 长期雇员聘用<br>- 临时雇员聘用 - 薪资管理外包服务<br><br>为应聘者找到职位并不是招聘过程的最后一步。我们的咨询人员希望能在您的职业生涯中与您建立长久的联系,以便我们能更好地为您提供后续服务,同时也能更好地为我们的客户服务。欲了解详细信息,请与您最近的仕达富办事处联系。<br><br>请查看我们的招聘职位,提交您的最新简历和期望薪资!<br><br>established in 1981, faro recruitment (formerly staff service) is an international staffing solutions provider with presence in asia-pacific, europe, oceania, and the americas.<br>our global network:<br>australia、hungary、poland、thailand<br>brazil、indonesia、singapore、united kingdom<br>china & hong kong、italy、spain、usa<br>france、japan、switzerland、vietnam<br>we have grown rapidly over the last 27 years with plans to increase our presence on the map. with over 80 offices and about 1,000 employees worldwide, we have developed vertical market niches catering to a variety of talent professionals. our clients are predominantly japanese firms across major industries, fortune 500 multinational corporations and small and medium enterprises. <br>as the global staffing market evolves, changing times call for a change of corporate identity. as our new corporate brand – "faro" conveys "lighthouse" in spanish, faro recruitment symbolizes a beacon to bring employers and job seekers together. our owner, management and consultant teams remain the same and are highly committed to deliver comprehensive and flexible hr solutions tailored to your local market needs. with strong financial support from our group company, we strive to be your long-term career partner. <br>a partner for your career<br>looking for a new job is a full-time project that requires its own set of skills. so rely on our talent professionals’ expertise to improve your chance of finding your ideal job and employer. we offer complimentary personal career advice, job market information, advices on opportunities in your chosen industry, and outline your options and alternatives. <br><br>we go beyond recruitment and become your career partner by:<br>- assessing your skills & analyzing the job market<br>- advising on permanent, contract & temporary options<br>- improving your cv & presentation<br>- providing training & advice on interview techniques<br>- approaching prospective employers & marketing you effectively<br>- arranging & coordinating interviews <br>- providing you with a full pre-interview briefing on employer’s history, corporate culture & values<br>- negotiating compensation to ensure all aspects of employment laws are fulfilled<br><br>our services include:<br>- executive search - temporary staffing<br>- permanent placement - payroll service <br><br>placing a candidate is not the final step in our recruitment process. our consultants want to develop an ongoing relationship with you throughout your career, so we are better equipped to help you in the future and serve our clients well. to find out more about how we can be your career partner, please contact a faro recruitment office in your area. <br><br>please view our jobs and send your updated resume and expected salary to us!查看更多
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