上海延锋江森座椅有限公司是由延锋伟世通汽车饰件系统有限公司(伟世通位列全球财富位)和美国江森自控国际有限公司(全球财富位)共同投资建立的中美合资企业。<br> 上海延锋江森座椅有限公司成立于1997年12月,总投资达5308万美元。公司专业设计、开发、制造和销售汽车座椅总成和机械零件、面套、发泡、遮阳板、顶蓬等汽车零部件。主要客户有上海通用、上海大众、上海汇众、东风尼桑、东风悦达起亚等整车厂,同时出口面套、机械类座椅零件至欧美和日本等地。目前,延锋江森在上海拥有康桥、康花、安亭和南汇四个生产基地,并且已在烟台、盐城设立分公司,在广州、重庆和上海还拥有自己的合资公司。<br> 延锋江森在公司内推行江森自控全球统一运行的业务运作体系,先后顺利通过ts和vda6.1等质量体系认证、iso环境体系认证和ohsas安全和健康体系认证。基于先进的管理体系和理念,几年来,公司成长迅速,取得了良好的经营业绩,2005年公司销售额达40.5亿人民币,其中出口1.4亿美元,在上海市工业企业500强企业中排名第38位,上海市综合企业排名第46位,全国合资企业排名第151位。<br> 持续超越客户不断增长的期望是公司的使命!<br> 延锋江森注重人才培养,将为员工提供良好的培训机会,有竞争力的薪酬福利和多途径的发展机会!<br><br>shanghai yanfeng johnson controls seating co., ltd. is a sino-us equity joint venture co-invested by yanfeng visteon automotive trim systems co., ltd, ranking 324 of fortune global 500 and johnson controls international co., ltd, ranking 200 of fortune global 500.<br><br>yfjc was founded in december 1997 with 53.08 million us dollars investment. we specialize in designing, developing, manufacturing and selling complete seats together with seat spares such as mechanism parts, trim covers, sunvisor and foam etc. the main customers are domestic and foreign automakers such as shanghai gm, shanghai volkswagen, shanghai hui zhong, dong feng nissan, dong feng yueda kia. besides, we also export trim covers and mechanism parts into europe, north america, and japan. at current stage, we are possessed with four productions bases in shanghai located at kang qiao, kang hua, an ting and nan hui respectively and two branches in yan tai and yan cheng. besides, we have jv and subsidiary companies in guangzhou, chongqing and shanghai.<br><br>yfjc enjoys advanced management system and concepts, which are embodied with company operation system called bos. it is carried out globally by johnson controls. we have passed iso9001/qs9000/vda6.1/iso/ts and iso . as a result, we developed rapidly and accomplished great achievements. the sales volume of year 2005 was 405 million rmb, including 14 million us dollars export volume. we rank 38 of shanghai industry top 500 enterprises, 46 of shanghai comprehensive enterprises and 151 of national jv.<br><br>our value is integrity, customer satisfaction, our employees, improvement and innovation, safety and the environment.<br>to continuously exceed customer's increasing expectations is our mission. we highly value the culture of employee involvement, advocate improvement and innovation, attach great importance to safety and environment and continuously improve our management level. what’s more, adequate attention will be paid to personnel cultivation and we will provide on-job training together with trainings carried out home and abroad. competitive c&b package and multiple career development channels will be provided to qualified candidates.<br><br>应聘方法:<br>有意者请将个人详细的中英文简历寄往公司人力资源部。信封上请注明自己所应聘的职位,或发送邮件至,请在邮件主题里面注明应聘岗位和获得招聘信息的来源。经初审合格后,公司将安排面谈。<br><br>公司地址:上海浦东康桥工业区康安路)<br><br>所有应聘者资料我们都会仔细阅读,公司将在严格的保密程序下妥善处理您的应聘资料。<br><br>感谢您对延锋江森的关注!<br>(注:本公司提供班车)查看更多
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