蓝宇外语学校是2000年经合肥市教委批准创建的一所民办专业性外语培训学校。<br><br>目前蓝宇外语学校已成功运营合肥、芜湖、马鞍山、铜陵、巢湖、六安、淮南、安庆、滁州、蚌埠十所分校。教学总面积近8000平方米;专职教师60多名,专职外籍教育专家15名;学校总资产600多万元人民币。时至今日,我校已成功培养两万多名学员,培训课程包括剑桥少儿英语、剑桥国际教程、剑桥商务英语、外教口语、四、六级强化以及考研英语等等。除此之外,我校还为众多大型公司提供了有效的企业英语培训。<br>“诚信办学”是我校一向坚持的办学宗旨。师资力量雄厚,外教专家由国外直接聘请,另有本校专职老师;所有班级均实行小班授课,保证每位学员与授课老师的沟通和交流;高档优雅的教学场所使学员可以在舒适的环境中轻松愉快地学习;这些都是我们蓝宇外语进修学校在软硬件各方面的优势所在。<br><br>根据市场需求,目前我校主要开设动感六维剑桥少儿英语,初、高中易考英语,成人口语系列,四、六级、考研系列,其中成人口语及四、六级考研系列仅在合肥分校开设。动感六维剑桥少儿英语面向4--12岁的少年儿童,采用我校独创的动感六维教学方法。初、高中易考英语课程针对的群体是初中和高中学生,进行同步课程辅导、提高,班主任老师全程跟踪;一线专家针对最新教材编写讲义,直接瞄准重点、难点;讲练并重,有效提高考试成绩(在校成绩无明显提高全额退费),帮助学员轻松应付每次考试;互动教学,兼顾听说能力提高。成人口语课程采用剑桥国际教程系列教材,分为四个级别适合不同层次的人群,以训练英语口语的听说能力为主要教学目的,我校的外教口语课程素来在大学生群体中有很好的口碑。<br>2004年对于蓝宇来说是一个崭新的开始,我校在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出,与安徽移动通信公司合作,推出“积分送教育”的超值回馈活动,得到广大客户和学员的一致好评。根据市场需求,2005年,在全省运营“全球通卓越学苑”项目,用教育超值回报社会,2005年8月8日,“蓝宇外语学校暨全球通卓越学苑”正式成立。第一阶段在合肥、芜湖、铜陵、马鞍山四地已运营成功。这一成功也预示着蓝宇更为壮阔的发展前景!我们的目标是要在省内17个地市建立分校,成为安徽省培训行业的第一位。<br><br>承蒙全社会各行各业的朋友们的厚爱,蓝宇才有了今天的成就。在以后的日子里,在未来的征途上,我们会秉承蓝宇的校训:专业铸就优秀,细心沉淀卓越。希望新老客户依然支持蓝宇,更希望得到大家的监督,只有这样,我们才能在蓝色的天宇中飞得更高!<br>welcome to bluniverse<br>established in the year 2000, bluniverse has successfully set up its name as the professional english training school of anhui, china. until now, we have established 10 branch schools in hefei city, wu hu city, ma ahshan city, tong ling city, chu zhou city, an qing city, beng bu city, huai nan city, lu an city, chao hu city, have trained almost students and are equipped with more than 100 full time staff, 15 of which are native english teachers.<br><br>training provided includes cambridge english for both children/adults, business english for company staff and oral english for adults and high level children; thus, the age of our students ranges from 4 to 40, offering good choice for our teachers. material is chosen to meet the needs of students. we use interchange i and ii plus various sources via the internet, streamline and free-talking syllabus.<br><br>our children's classes adopt a self-established teaching system called the six-dimensional teaching system in which our native teacher acts as one of the six dimensions called english ambassador. in this dimension, he visits classes to create an english environment by talking with the students using what they have just learned while the chinese teacher is still guiding the classroom. the center of the six-dimensional teaching system is to train the students to think in english. adults classes are serious teaching for our native teachers, who are expected to conduct the teaching all by themselves; our adult students are selected so they can understand the class while being motivated and challenged. at present, our ambassadors are from canada, the united states and australia; all qualified, professional leaders.<br><br>all of our classrooms are neat, well organized & air-conditioned. students are often arranged in a circle in the classroom so that they can interact with the teacher and each other easily. to make our native teachers' life with us more interesting and fruitful, we offer free chinese classes for them weekly; in chinese class they will get to know other foreigners in the city and adapt to hefei life.<br>in this very lucky year, we have entered a co-operation with china mobile to train its customers, which needs a lot more talented and dedicated teachers. so we welcome potential promising teachers to join us now, to show their talent, grant their generous contribution to china's new generation; enjoy this promising exploration with us in anhui china. it's a golden opportunity for all dedicated professionals.查看更多
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