美国诺斯安全产品有限公司是一家具有七十余年历史的全球领先的安全防护产品制造商,2008年4月并入了霍尼韦尔生命安全集团。美国诺斯安全产品公司总部位于美国罗德岛州的克兰斯顿,在全球拥有30多个通过iso9001认证的生产基地,以及遍布全球的3000多名员工。<br><br>美国诺斯安全产品公司生产的产品种类超过6000种,包括头部防护、眼睛和面部防护、听力防护、呼吸防护、手部防护、防护服、急救产品、安全锁具、坠落防护、受控环境、防护靴、电力安全产品、消防产品等,广泛应用于石油化工、电力、冶金、消防、交通、矿山、建筑、军事、医药等领域,产品畅销全球100多个国家。<br><br>为开拓中国市场,提升公司的竞争力,美国诺斯安全产品公司现招聘以下人员:<br><br>以下人员一经录用,公司将通过当地外企服务总公司办理录用手续,公司提供良好的福利待遇,提供必要的培训的机会。<br><br>north safety products has been a quality manufacturer for over 75 years. we provide the broadest line of personal protective equipment (ppe) available in the world. our valued employees number over 3,000 worldwide, and bring us diversity in skill and expertise including product engineers, chemists, product managers, market specialists, certified industrial hygienists, certified production and logistics managers, and a professionally trained sales force that represents all of the north safety ppe lines.<br><br>our commitment is to provide the highest quality products to keep our customers safe while providing unsurpassed comfort. it is our goal to enhance worker safety, assist with regulatory compliance, and create greater worker confidence on the job.查看更多

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