杭州天易泰业医药公司创始于2005年,是一家代理国内外著名制药集团产品的专业学术推广公司,公司管理层由原全球500强医药公司的市场团队组成。公司致力于为各大制药企业的华东市场乃至全国市场开发进行战略策划、市场定位,市场推广、咨询和服务等。 <br><br>目前,公司已与步长和普瑞思建立长期的战略合作伙伴关系。 <br><br>公司成立至今,已在宁波、绍兴、温州、嘉兴、湖州、舟山、台州、福建、海南设立分公司,并且安徽、江苏、上海等分公司正在筹建之中,分别成立以纯销队伍为核心的专业学术推广队伍,加以分销、零售终端以及农村市场三线专业市场队伍为辅助,公司目标在2012年前成为中国医药学术推广第一品牌。 <br><br>在公司业务发展过程中,天易人坚持“专心致志做一件事”的理念,凭着丰富的学术推广经验,以优质的产品和完善的服务,成功地将一个个优质品牌切实地推荐给广大医务工作者和患者,在同行业中脱颖而出。在业务发展的同时,以“诚信合作,共同发展”的蓝海战略,与华东等几十家商业公司,形成了完整商业网络体系,具有强大的业务拓展能力。 <br><br>今天,天易人将更好地实践公司的企业精神“诚信创造成功,激情成就未来”,更切实地扮演好桥梁角色,牵国内外知名品牌,携行业精英,共创辉煌的未来...... <br><br>hangzhou dayea medicine science and technology co. ltd was founded in 2005, is a famouse medicine science extending corporation whose management team comes from the top 500 global medicine corporations. dayea is the pioneer in the medicine field aimed the east china marketing or whole china marketing with well-experienced in stratagem planning, marketing developing, consultant and service for the domestic medicine corporations or overseas medicine corporations. <br><br>till now, dayea has succeeded to be the agency of many famouse medical products and also built the good relationship with these famouse medicine corporations. <br><br>dayea has developed 6 branches already which located in ningbo, shaoxing, wenzhou, jiaxing, huzhou and zhoushan, taizhou,hainan,besides, dayea is also planning to found the branches in shanghai, anhui and jiangsu etc. dayea has also developed a professional medicine extending team including pure sales team, retail sales team and country sales team. dayea’s aim is to be no.1 of chinese medicine science corporations before 2012. <br><br>on the way of development, dayea’s people believe in the faith: ”concentrate to do one thing”. based on the abundant marketing experience, excellent products and perfect service, dayea succeeded to recommend one and one excellent products to the medical staff and patients. <br><br>at the same time, dayea adopted the blue-sea stratagem which is ”cooperate honestly, develop together”, build the good relationship with dozens of commercial corporations which located in east china to construct a better commercial system. <br><br>today, dayea’s people is carrying out the enterprises’ culture ”honesty creates success, passion creates future” to build the bridge of cooperation and make glories together.</p>查看更多

- 公司名称: 宁波海曙天易商务咨询有限公司
- 公司状态: 注销
- 行业: 商务服务业
- 公司类型: 私营有限责任公司(自然人控股或私营性质企业控股)
- 地址: 海曙区顺德路98弄9号<9-23><9-24>
- 法人代表: 徐波
- 注册资本: 30万人民币
- 注册时间: 2006年09月20日
- 注册号: 3302032005919
- 登记机关: 宁波市海曙区市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 海曙区顺德路98弄9号<9-23><9-24>
- 营业期限: 2006-09-20至2016-09-19
- 核准日期: 2011年06月29日
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