ariva presentation<br>艾丽华酒店管理集团简介<br><br>ariva hospitality was founded in october 2008 with its headquarter in singapore. ariva hospitality sees market opportunities from both, the hotel and serviced apartment segments and believes that adopting a flexible and nimble business strategy is key to staying ahead. that's why ariva differentiates itself as a management company that understands both the short and extended stay business, creating the ariva hotel & serviced apartment brand for the mid and upper scale segments.<br>艾丽华服务式公寓及酒店管理公司成立于2008年10月,总部位于新加坡。公司洞悉两大市场契机,并坚信变通灵活的运作策略是发展和成功的关键。因此在充分了解短住和长住的市场需求后,将品牌定位为服务式公寓及酒店,主要从事中档和中高档服务式公寓及酒店的管理。<br><br>both co-founders of ariva hospitality have more than 60 years of hospitality experience and a proven track record in value creation. its expertise includes distressed assets turnaround, repositioning and re-engineering of assets, strategic investment and exit.<br>公司创始人具备60多年的酒店管理经验、具有在经济下滑时期创造价值和利润的丰富经验,包括不良资产周转的经历、获取,重新定位和产品的重新设计、资产投入和退出战略等。<br><br>viva - a brand hallmark of ariva. viva is a social lifestyle hub promoting guest interaction and offering freedom of choice - whether to work, play or relax. it integrates facilities such as interactive kitchens, laundry stations, fitness studio, and spa or at times, a lap pool and offer thoughtful conveniences appreciated by the road warriors when they are away from home.<br>viva——艾丽华品牌的标志,一种全新的生活理念;一个给客人自由选择的空间——工作锻炼、放松心情、交友洽谈。这里有互动的厨房、自助的洗衣、动感的健身房、奇妙的理疗和清澈的泳池。viva体贴入微的便捷将深受旅途疲惫人士的青睐。<br><br>ariva beijing west, a four star deluxe hotel and serviced apartment is the stylish choice for the discerning traveler, both for short and extended stay. the well appointed hotel rooms offer contemporary comfort with personalized services at the ariva executive club floor. the unique loft apartments are the ultimate lifestyle statement with its spacious interiors, separate living and bedroom with some units offering a panoramic view of the summer palace.<br>北京海润艾丽华酒店及服务公寓,一家四星级酒店及服务式公寓,对短期和长期的下塌都是一个时尚的选择。每间房间都经过精心设计,复式公寓对精明的商旅人士来说不啻为一种生活方式的代言,宽敞的内部空间,独立的起居室和卧室,部分房间还可远眺的颐和园佛香阁的美景。这里也是您大展宏图、事业梦想实现的地方。<br><br>欢迎热爱、并立志投身酒店业的人士加入北京海润艾丽华酒店及服务公寓,未来将有很多机会等待您,期待您的加盟!<br><br>ariva beijing west hotel & serviced apartment<br>36 haidian nalu, haidian district<br>beijing <br>pr, china<br>tel<br><br>北京海润艾丽华酒店及服务公寓<br>北京海淀区海淀南路<br>联系人:招聘主管,李小姐<br>电话<br>邮箱:<br><br>求职者请将个人简历发至酒店人力资源部(请勿用附件形式)</p>查看更多
- 公司名称: 艾丽华(北京)酒店管理有限公司
- 公司状态: 在业
- 行业: 住宿业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(中外合资)
- 地址: 北京市密云区东邵渠镇政府大街15号
- 企业规模: 小于50人
- 法人代表: 张连城
- 注册资本: 100万人民币
- 注册时间: 2009年04月08日
- 注册号: 110000450095391
- 统一社会信用代码: 91110228685103159X
- 组织机构代码: 685103159
- 登记机关: 北京市工商行政管理局密云分局
- 注册地址: 北京市密云区东邵渠镇政府大街15号
- 营业期限: 2009-04-08至2039-04-07
- 核准日期: 2020年01月20日
- 相关企业
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