welcome to wilton brands inc., the craft and celebration leader, where great people deliver innovative products and exceptional customer service.<br><br>the 2007 merger of wilton industries, ek success, dimensions holdings llc, plus k&company positioned wilton as the largest and most diversified company in the craft industry and prepared it to achieve unparalleled growth. the company is owned by gtcr, golder rauner, llc, one of the nation′s leading private equity firms. wilton brands inc. is led by chief executive officer richard t. conti. <br><br>wilton food crafts, based in woodridge, illinois, and founded in 1929, is the leading food crafting company in the industry, with the number one position in cake decorating, bakeware and tea kettles. today, wilton food crafts offers the industry′s most comprehensive and innovative selection of baking, cake decorating, candy making, cookie making, wedding, baby, party, seasonal, kitchen and hydration products. these products are designed to make it easy for anyone to enjoy the thrill of serving something special and utilizing unique style and design while doing it. <br><br>the wilton paper and specialty crafts group consists of several well recognized businesses and brands. ek success brands is a creative consumer products division with the leading position in the $3 billion scrapbooking market. the company designs and sells some of the craft industry′s most respected brands of stickers, multi-dimensional embellishments, punches and writing utensils for use in scrapbooking and related paper crafts, such as card and invitation creation.wilton paper and specialty crafts maintains a solid leadership position in the scrapbook and paper-based craft industry through its highly-recognized k&company brand. their product lines include albums, tag books, embossed stickers, metal arts, distinctive papers and three-dimensional grand adhesions.dimensions is a leading designer, producer and distributor of premium quality craft and hobby products for adults and also offers a large range of needlecraft options in cross-stitch, crewel embroidery, needlepoint, punch needle and embroidery.</p>查看更多
- 公司状态: 存续
- 行业: 零售业
- 公司类型: 外国企业常驻代表机构
- 地址: 深圳市南山区蛇口太子路1号新时代广场第7层AB单元
- 注册资本: 0万人民币
- 注册时间: 2006年04月26日
- 统一社会信用代码: 91440300788324886C
- 组织机构代码: 788324886
- 登记机关: 深圳市市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 深圳市南山区蛇口太子路1号新时代广场第7层AB单元
- 营业期限: 2006-04-26至2030-04-26
- 核准日期: 2018年06月01日
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