弗曼奈特是专职于为工业生产提供维修服务的技术公司。自1927 年成立以来,弗曼奈特一直是创新带压堵漏技术的代名词,为石油天然气、发电、矿业和石油化工等化工企业提供了无与伦比的专业技术。至今已有81 年的弗曼奈特已经在全世界范围提供专业服务。今天,这个居业界领先地位的公司已经在五大洲将业务扩展至70 多项,在世界各地拥有超过2200名员工。从单一产品结构发展到以终端客户为导向型的全球组织结构,我们致力于为所有客户提供最有效的管理维护解决方案,以及各类产品和服务。<br>in 1927, the world’s first industrial maintenance service company was formed. its product offering – the first〆ver pipeline leak sealant and unrivalled engineering expertise. 2008 marked 81 years of furmanite serving industries worldwide. today furmanite, the specialty services company has maintained and built upon its leadership position as its reach extends to 70 field service offices on five continents and 2,200+ employees on all corners of the globe. what started as a single﹐ffering company has impressively evolved into a global organization offering end?o〆nd management and maintenance solutions, services and products.<br>在全球范围内,弗曼奈特帮助各大型工业公司提高了加工效率、增加了产品的利润空间。当环保与能源问题越来越成为世界关注的焦点,弗曼奈特所有专家技术服务都帮助客户提高厂房设备效率,延长运行时间,避免不必要停机,将储运损耗降至最低。我们为客户提供最高效、优化的服务。<br>furmanite is dedicated to helping customers across all industries, worldwide, manage and maintain their assets, and keep them earning. in a climate of ever﹊ncreasing focus on environmental issues and energy﹕aving, furmanite offers a whole range of services to help. we combine a breadth of expertise with a spread of technologies designed to help our clients increase plant efficiency, extend runs between shutdowns, keep outage to a minimum, and above all, avoid unscheduled shutdown. ours is a plant efficiency optimization service.<br>2007 年,弗曼奈特开始扩展其在华业务,为所有新老客户继续提供更优秀的本地服务。<br>in 2007, furmanite began to expand its operations and explore valued customers across china with the professional mechanical services.<br>弗曼奈特的专业技术和服务项目<br><b>furmanite’s technology and service scope</b><br>总部位于美国德克萨斯州达拉斯的弗曼奈特公司是全球最大的专业技术服务公司之一。立志于为每位客户提供各类专业、高性价的工程解决方案,弗曼奈特的专业技术延长了机械设施的运转时限,从而最大化企业固定资产的利用率、降低生产运营成本、提高产品利润率。<br>furmanite corporation (dallas, texas, usa), is one of the world’s largest specialty technical services companies.<br>? large range of cost effective, engineering solutions to meet clients’ needs;<br>? keep our customers’ facilities (in china and around the world) operating to peak performance, maximizing their operation up?ime and profits.<br>* 现场在线 机加工 <b>on﹕ite machining</b><br>节时低投入的现场加工维修方案,使法兰表面修复、镗孔、切割、钻孔、研磨、法兰密封面修复,可以随时随地实现专家级的现场研磨铣削操作。<br>repairs done on﹕ite saves time and money? milling machines operated by our specialists, can go anywhere, anytime. flange reゝacing, boring, cutting, drilling, grinding.<br>* 管道介入技术 <b>pipeline intervention</b><br>? 带压开孔 hot tapping<br>? 管路在线封堵 line plugging<br>? 管道冷冻隔离 pipe freezing<br>? 泥封t 形管道 grouted tees<br>* 合成修复和结构加固 <b>composite repairs and structural strengthening</b><br>利用先进技术,经济、快速地实现管道全程、容器和箱/罐的永久性修复或重建。<br>quickly & permanently repair or reconstruct whole sections of piping, vessels, or tanks using advanced technology at a cost〆ffective price.<br>* 在线带压堵漏 <b>on﹍ine leak sealing</b><br>具有80 多年高温(最高800 摄氏度)和/或高压(最高350 巴)工况下进行紧急抢修的技术经验。<br>emergency repairs in high temperature (up to 800℃) & pressure (up to 350 bar g). we’ve been doing this for more than 80 years.<br>* <b>furmaseal</b> 密封技术<br>? self sealing repair clamps 自密封修复夹具<br>快速封堵泄漏,无需中断操作,不用焊接,可以在海底实行堵漏操作。<br>fix leak fast. self﹕ealing clamps can be applied quickly without stopping operations.<br>no welding needed. subsea clamps can be applicable to the leak﹕ealing operation under sea.<br>? pipe end connectors 管道终端接口<br>* <b>trevitest</b> 安全阀在线校验 <b>trevitest on﹍ine valve testing</b><br>在线测试蒸汽、水、空气、气体或工艺系统的安全/减压阀门<br>on﹍ine testing of safety and relief valves in steam, water, air, gas or process systems<br>* 安全阀修复 <b>valve repair</b><br>* 可控螺栓连接 <b>controlled bolting (psim)</b><br>* 罐顶修复,等等 <b>tank roof repairs; etc.</b></p>查看更多
- 公司名称: 弗曼奈特机械技术服务(上海)有限公司
- 公司状态: 存续
- 行业: 金属制品、机械和设备修理业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(外国法人独资)
- 地址: 上海市浦东新区龙阳路2277号1002G室
- 企业规模: 小于50人
- 注册资本: 70万美元
- 注册时间: 2007年06月04日
- 注册号: 310115400225208
- 统一社会信用代码: 91310115662449800D
- 组织机构代码: 662449800
- 登记机关: 浦东新区市场监管局
- 注册地址: 上海市浦东新区龙阳路2277号1002G室
- 营业期限: 2007-06-04至2027-06-03
- 核准日期: 2007年06月04日
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