johnson controls (nyse: jci) is a global leader in automotive experience, building efficiency and power solutions.<br> johnson controls has employees in more than 1,000 locations serving customers in 125 countries. founded in 1885, the company has its headquarters in milwaukee。 <br> jci is ranking the top 201 in the global wealth 500 list in 2007. 90% oem are our customers in the world, such as: ford, gm, dcx, bmw, toyota,honda.<br>in china, johnson controls established several joint ventures with saic, changchun automotive, beijing automotive, jingbei automotive for designing, <br>developing and producing seating and interiors system.<br> the company provides innovative automotive interiors that help make driving more comfortable, safe and enjoyable.<br> to support the automotive development of chinese brand, johnson controls (wuhu) automotive interiors co. ltd,<br>the new jv-jcw is invested with $15 million, by jci, shanghai jiehua and chery technology in wuhu economical & technological development area in october 2006.<br>welcome all talent people interested in automotive industry to create promising future with us. <br>we will offer you competitive salary, perfect welfare & training system and great career developing opportunity. details please refer to .<br> 江森自控(johnson controls)总部位于美国密尔沃基, 创立于1885年,是汽车内饰件、楼宇设施、蓄电池行业市场先锋。在2007年全球财富500强排名第201位,全球1000个地区,125 个国家,员工人。<br>江森自控为全球90%以上的汽车主机厂提供产品,主要客户包括:福特、通用、戴姆勒克莱斯勒、宝马、丰田、本田等世界著名的汽车生产厂商。.<br>在中国,江森自控公司与上汽、一汽、北汽集团、金杯均建立了合资公司,为上述公司提供汽车内饰和座椅的设计、开发、制造等相关服务。我们的产品不断革新旨在营造更舒适、安全和愉悦的驾驶空间。<br> 为支持中国汽车自主品牌的开发制造,江森自控、上海杰华和奇瑞科技三方合资,于2006年10月在安徽芜湖经济技术开发区投资建厂——江森自控(芜湖)汽车饰件有限公司,一期投资1500万美元,设立汽车内饰产品的开发、制造基地。现诚邀有志于从事汽车行业的有识人士加盟,共创美好未来。我们将为您提供富有竞争力的薪酬,完善的福利和培训体系,以及广阔的生涯发展空间。<br>您可访问 网站获得更详细的资料。</p>查看更多
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