<b>概况</b><br>联合技术消防安保公司(utc fire & security)是消防安全及安保领域的全球领先者,与其相关公司共同为全球各地的个人及企业提供安全和舒适的生活环境。<br><br>在消防安全领域,联合技术消防安保公司业务范围广泛,包括家用及商业手提式灭火器、探测器及报警器、灭火系统、大型灭火设备及特殊探测器、紧急出口标识服务、发电厂风道燃烧器和多种机械设备温度调控及开关的制造。<br><br>在电子安保领域,我们提供防盗报警、门禁控制、数字监控及录影系统设备的集成、安装及服务,同时还提供报警监控以及保安人员等服务,以配合消防安全及电子安保业务。<br><br><b>销售额</b><br>2007年销售额达58亿美元<br><br><b>员工</b><br>约名员工在35个国家工作<br><br><b>历史</b><br>2003年7月,联合技术公司通过收购集宝(chubb)进入消防及安保行业。2005年4月,联合技术公司又收购了凯德(kidde plc)并将其与集宝合并,组成联合技术消防安保公司,从而在全球消防市场排名第二。2005年5月,继续收购了lenel。2006年,联合技术消防安保公司通过多次战略性收购不断扩大, 包括收购red hawk industries。2007年又收购了initial, marioff, hall & kay和上海凯安。在中国,我们和消防安全领域处于领头地位的中国消防集团、利达集团和海湾集团签订合资合同。<br><br><b>品牌</b><br>联合技术消防安保公司提供多个品牌的产品及服务,主要品牌有集宝、凯德、marioff和lenel。其它品牌包括:angus, autronica, chemetron, detronics, onity, fenwal, red hawk, sicli和 verex.<br><br><b>享有盛誉的项目</b><br>全球一些独具眼光的客户依靠联合技术消防安保的产品来保护他们的资产,包括巴黎艾菲尔铁塔、久负盛名的waldorf astoria酒店及纽约世贸中心;其他知名客户还有从1928年开始举办法网公开赛的罗兰•加洛斯体育场及作为哈利波特系列电影中霍格华兹魔法学院拍摄点而著称的英国安尼克城堡;此外,还有陈列世界上最多毛利岛及太平洋岛国艺术品和珍宝的奥克兰国家博物馆和纽约的自由女神像。<br><br><b>母公司 — 联合技术公司</b><br>总部位于美国康涅狄格州hartford的联合技术公司是一家多元化的公司,在建造业和航天工业历史悠久。公司产品包括开利(carrier)暖气空调系统、汉胜(hamilton sundstrand)航空宇宙系统和工业产品、奥的斯(otis)升降机和电梯、普惠(pratt & whitney)飞机发动机、西科斯基(sikorsky)直升机、联合技术消防安保系统和联合技术动力(utc power)燃料电池。(纽约交易所代码:utx)<br><br><b>公司全球总部</b><br>联合技术消防安保公司<br>9 farm springs road<br>farmington, ct usa<br>电话:+1 3000 <br><br><br><b>联合技术消防安保在亚洲</b><br>联合技术消防安保亚洲总部设在中国上海,目前大约有名员工在亚洲6个地区工作。<br>我们拥有一批信誉良好的客户, 其中包括著名的银行、金融中心、电站、石油设施和零售连锁店。<br><br>联合技术消防安保亚洲已和13个在行业中领先的消防安防公司建立了合资关系,如中国的中消集团、利达集团、海湾集团,印度的集宝alba等。<br><br><b>联合技术消防安保在中国</b><br>携同其主要品牌-集宝、凯德和lenel,联合技术消防安保已在中国显示出她的实力。<br><br>集宝中国不仅提供安防系统的集成,并且为银行、金融服务中心、交通基础设施、物流中心、精品店等提供定制的解决方案。<br><br>凯德为客户提供多样化的消防安全产品,其中fm200气体灭火系统在市场上处于领先地位。<br><br>联合技术消防安保已经和北京利达、上海凯安、凌科、中消集团和海湾集团建立了合资伙伴关系。<br><br><b>profile</b><br>a global leader in fire safety and security, utc fire & security (utcfs), with its related entities, delivers safety and peace of mind to individuals and businesses throughout the world.<br><br>in fire safety, utcfs is comprised of a diverse portfolio of businesses, including residential and commercial portable fire extinguishers, detection & alarm, suppression, fire trucks, fire-fighting hose, foam and specialty detection. other fire safety businesses include servicing of emergency exit signs, manufacturing of duct burners for power plants and a variety of mechanical temperature controls and switches.<br><br>in electronic security, our companies provide systems integration, installation and service of intruder alarms, access control systems, digital video surveillance and recording devices. our companies also provide monitoring, response and security personnel services to complement both the fire safety and electronic security businesses. <br><br><b>revenues</b><br>$5.8 billion (2007) <br><br><b>employment</b><br>approximately employees working in more than 35 countries.<br><br><b>history</b><br>united technologies corporation (utc) entered the fire and security segment in july 2003 with the acquisition of chubb. in april 2005, utc acquired kidde plc. and joined it with chubb, forming utc fire & security, the number two player in the fire safety industry globally. in may 2005 lenel systems international was added. in 2006 utcfs grew through several strategic transactions, including the acquisition of red hawk industries and joint venture agreements with leading fire safety companies in china: cfe, leader and gst. in 2007 utcfs acquired initial, marioff, ken and hall & kay.<br><br><b>brands</b><br>utc fire & security companies provide products and services under a number of leading brand names, including chubb, kidde, mareoff and lenel. other brand names include: angus, autronica, chemetron, detronics, onity, fenwal, red hawk, sicli and verex.<br><br><b>prestigious installations</b><br>some of the most discriminating customers around the world rely on utc fire & security products and services to protect their assets, including the eiffel tower in paris, the historic waldorf astoria hotel and world trade center in new york city. other reputable customers include garros stadium, home of the french open tennis tournament since 1928 and alnwick castle, uk which was featured as hogwarts school in the harry potter films. the list also includes auckland the national museum that houses the world’s largest collection of maori and pacific island artifacts and treasures, and the museum of natural history in new york city. <br><br><b>parent company</b><br>united technologies corporation (utc) (nyse: utx), based in hartford, ct usa, is a diversified company with a long history of pioneering innovation in the building and aerospace industries. products include carrier heating and air conditioning systems, hamilton sundstrand aerospace systems and industrial products, otis elevators and escalators, pratt & whitney aircraft engines, sikorsky helicopters, utc fire & security systems and utc power fuel cells.<br> <br><b>corporate headquarters</b><br>utc fire & security<br>9 farm springs road<br>farmington, ct usa<br>.3000 phone<br><br><br><b>utcfs in asia</b><br>regionally based in shanghai, china, utc fire & security currently has approximately employees working in six markets in asia. <br><br>reputable clients include prestigious banks, financial centers, power stations, petroleum facilities, and retail chains.<br> <br>utcfs asia has established 13 joint ventures with leading fire safety and security companies in the region including cfe, leader and gst in china, chubb alba in india and others. <br><br><b>utcfs in china</b><br>utcfs has established strong presence in china with key brands of chubb, kidde and lenel. <br><br>chubb china integrates security systems and provides customized solutions for banks, financial service centers, transportation infrastructure, logistics centers, boutique stores and many others. <br><br>kidde offers a diverse portfolio of fire safety products with strong position in the fm200 gas suppression system market.<br><br>utcfs has established joint venture partnership with beijing leader, shanghai ken, airlink, cfe and gst.</p>查看更多
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