objectiva software solutions<br>an emc company<br><br>objectiva software solutions aims to become the best software services company in china.<br><br>started in 2001, objectiva has serviced over 30 clients, many of whom are large public companies in the us and europe. currently with 250 people working in offices in china, the us, france, and germany, objectiva has been named as one of the top 30 software service companies in china by the chinese ministry of technology. <br>our employees work with the advanced technologies, have extensive training in a bi-lingual environment, and frequently travel abroad---primarily to the us---to work with clients for whom we do software outsourcing. objectiva's attractive compensation package includes comprehensive benefits, including stock options and bonuses.<br><br>we are currently seeking additional technical team leaders (ttl's), senior software engineers, and software engineers proficient in each of the fields: java, c++, .net, and quality assurance (qa). applicants with english skills, especially those with an advanced conversational level, are particularly sought for objectiva's client interfacing positions.<br><br>for security reasons, please paste your resume in the message box. attachments will be ignored.<br><br>应聘者请在邮件主题中注明所应聘的工作地点。</p>查看更多

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