
曼·胡默尔滤清器贸易有限公司 mann+hummel filter trading(shanghai)co.,ltd.


  • 五险一金
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  • 良性竞争机制



曼·胡默尔滤清器贸易有限公司 mann+hummel filter trading(shanghai)co.,ltd.招聘官



曼·胡默尔全球集团:<br>曼·胡默尔集团于1941年建于德国南部的路德维希堡,毗邻斯图加特。<br>我们是国际汽车行业和工程机械行业的发展伙伴和原始设备供应商。我们的产品组合包括空气过滤系统、进气岐管系统、液体过滤设备、空调滤清器、塑料气缸盖和其他多种功能的汽车部件,以及提供车辆售后服务及维修的过滤元件。在普通工程、处理工程和工业制造领域,我们的产品范围覆盖工业滤清器以及可降低柴油机碳烟排放的系列产品,如过滤系统、材料处理系统和设备。<br>至今为止,整个集团在全球拥有41家分支企业,员工总人数经达到人。<br>mann+hummel group<br>mann+hummel was established in ludwigsburg, in the south of germany near stuttgart, in 1941. we are a development partner and original equipment supplier to the international automotive and mechanical engineering industries. our product portfolio includes air filter systems, intake manifold systems, liquid filter systems, cabin filters and cylinder head covers made in plastic and with many integrated functions for the automotive industry, and filter elements for vehicle servicing and repair. for the general engineering, process engineering and industrial manufacturing sectors, our product range includes industrial filters, range of products which reduce soot emissions from diesel engines, filter systems, and materials handling systems and equipment.<br>we currently have close to  employees in 41 locations worldwide.<br>曼·胡默尔在亚太地区<br>曼·胡默尔于1996年首次进入中国,在上海成立了代表处。经过几年的摸索与发展,我们在上海和长春共成立了三家公司。到2009年,我们将在山东济南投入生产设备,到2010年,我们崭新的工厂和办公楼将在上海嘉定区建立。<br>不仅上海,我们还在印度、日本、韩国、新加坡、澳大利亚、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、台湾、泰国、越南各地设有办公楼和(或)生产线。截至2007年底,在亚洲的员工共有年,我们预计员工人数达到3000人,主要分布在中国和印度。<br>mann+hummel in asia pacific<br>in 1996, mann+hummel started operations in china with the setting up of a representative office in shanghai. since that humble beginning, we now operate from three(3)companies in shanghai and changchun. in 2009, we will add a new production facility in jinan, shandong and by 2010, a state-of-the-art office cum factory complex in shanghai jiading district.<br>besides our presence in china, we have offices and/or production facilities in india, japan, korea, singapore, australia, indonesia, malaysia, philippines, taiwan, thailand and vietnam. at the end of 2007, our total asian headcount was 670 employees. by 2016, we expect to increase this number to 3000, with the majority in china and india.<br>曼·胡默尔滤清器贸易(上海)有限公司(mhcn)<br>曼·胡默尔滤清器贸易(上海)有限公司座落于上海浦东新区,于2002年正式成立。随着业务的持续扩大,作为全德资的子公司替代了原先的代表处,曼·胡默尔滤清器贸易(上海)有限公司主要从事销售和产品相关的研发业务,其范围覆盖售后市场及oem业务。<br>mann+hummel china<br>mann+hummel filter trading(shanghai)co. ltd (mhcn)<br>located in shanghai pudong district, mhcn was incorporated in 2002 to replace the function of the representative office when the continuing expansion of our business operations make untenable the restricted role of the representative office. mhcn focuses on the sales and production-related activities such as research & development in both aftermarket and oem markets.<br>上海曼·胡默尔滤清器有限公司(mscn)<br>上海曼·胡默尔滤清器有限公司座落于上海的宝山区,建立初始是曼·胡默尔和上汽集团所属上海联谊拖拉机工贸有限公司合资成立,曼·胡默尔集团持有60%的股权。2007年中旬,曼·胡默尔集团加大了股权份额,实现了100%持股。此次合并进一步表明了曼胡默尔集团对中国客户的承诺和在中国长期发展的意愿。<br>上海曼·胡默尔滤清器有限公司为中国市场生产的产品包括塑料进气歧管、空气滤清器。我们客户包括知名的国际和当地的公司,例如:上海汽车、上海大众、上海通用、上汽通用五菱、长安福特、东风日产、东风标致。<br>shanghai mann+hummel filter co.,ltd(mscn)<br>located in shanghai baoshan district, mscn started as a joint-venture between mann+hummel and lianyi group  with mann+hummel holding the majority share. in mid 2007, we increased our shareholding from 60% to 100%. this acquisition further demonstrates mann+hummel’s commitment to our customers in china and our intention for a long-term presence in china.<br>the products manufactured by mscn include intake manifolds and air filter systems for the chinese market. our customers include leading international and local companies such as saic motor, svw, sgm, wuling, ford, nissan and peugeot.<br>长春曼胡默尔富奥滤清器有限公司(mscn)<br>长春曼·胡默尔富奥滤清器有限公司成立于2002年德国曼·胡默尔和一汽四环股份公司合资成立(曼·胡默尔集团60%股份,一汽四环股份40%股份)总投资2400万。公司成立之初有员工77人,发展到现在已有员工近150人。主要生产空气滤清器、机油滤清器和燃油滤清器、空滤器滤芯、空气干燥罐、曲轴箱通风系统以及工业滤清器。公司主要客户:一汽大众、一汽轿车、一汽解放、一汽锡柴、济南重汽、山东威明、潍柴动力以及德国、巴西、新加坡、印度曼·胡默尔分公司。公司位于长春经济技术开发区。<br>changchun mann+hummel fawer filter co., ltd<br>with a paid-up capital of usd24million, mccn was established in 2002 through a joint-venture between mann+hummel gmbh (holding 60% majority share)and faw si huan company (40%).the company started with 77 employees and now have close to 150; supporting the production of air cleaners, oil filters , fuel filters, air element, air drier box, ccv and industrial filters. our major customers include faw-vw, faw-car, faw-jiefang, faw-wuxi diesel, cnhtc, shandong weiming, weichai power; as well as internally other mann+hummel<br>companies in brazil, germany, india and singapore. we are located at the changchun economy & technology development zone.<br>曼·胡默尔济南公司(mtcn)-将于2009年6月投产<br>mann+hummel jinan company(mtcn)-operational in june2009<br>现因业务发展需要,上海曼·胡默尔滤清器有限公司诚聘。<br>曼·胡默尔滤清器(上海)有限公司(mjcn)-将于2010年3月投产<br>mann+hummel filter(shanghai)co., ltd(mjcn)–operational in march 2010</p>





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