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九鼎天元概貌<br>introduction of jiudingtianyuan<br>成都九鼎天元知识产权代理有限公司(涉外),是经过国家知识产权局和国家工商行政管理局商标局批准,拥有涉外专利和商标代理权的大型综合性知识产权法律服务机构,服务涉及专利、商标、版权等知识产权领域,秉承“诚实、信用、专业、高效”的服务宗旨,致力于为社会提供全方位知识产权法律支持。 <br>chengdu jiudingtianyuan intellectual property agency with foreign relations is a company that provides domestic and abroad services, including patents, trademarks, copyrights and litigation,  approved by the state intellectual property office and the trademark office of state administration for industry and commerce. insisting on the guidelines of “honesty, credit, profession, efficiency”, jiudingtianyuan is committed to offer a full range of intellectual property legal support.<br>    “九鼎天元”是中西部地区最大的知识产权法律服务机构之一,具有一支理论基础雄厚、专业技术精湛、实践经验丰富的服务团队。专利代理量连续多年保持中西部地区首位,2008年,专利代理量达5666件,占全省专利申请代理总量的40%以上,商标、版权代理量增长迅猛,代理各类知识产权纠纷案件近百件。<br>jiudingtianyuan is one of the largest legal service organizations in the central and western regions of china, with a strong theoretical foundation, professional skills, technical skills and practical experience. for many years jiudingtianyuan has been a leader of patent agencies in the central and western regions of china. 5,666 patents, about 40% of the total patent agency services in sichuan province, were dealt with by the company in 2008. trademark and copyright agencies increased rapidly. the company acts as agents for intellectual property disputes of nearly one hundred cases.<br>    “九鼎天元”积极实施国家知识产权战略,以企业为中心,全面融入重点园区、重点区域、优势产业的知识产权工作,大力促进企业提高知识产权的创造、运用、保护、管理能力,全身心地关怀客户每一个问题和每一个细节,笃信“专业铸成九鼎、诚信练就天元”的经营理念能够伴随企业共同发展。<br>jiudingtianyuan implements the national intellectual property strategy actively with enterprise-centric and it fully integrates into working for the intellectual property rights in the key scopes, regions and industries. furthermore jiudingtianyuan vigorously promotes the improvement of the capacity of intellectual property rights for creation, usage, protection and management. their customers` problems and details are cared for by sticking to their business philosophy of “professional jiuding , faithful tianyuan “<br><br>全面拓展服务范围<br>developing a comprehensive range of services<br>2008年初,为了使客户的合法权益得到有效保障,“九鼎天元”在诉讼部的基础上组建了四川法思凯律师事务所,成为四川首家成立律师事务所的知识产权服务机构,现有执业律师13名,为客户提供更为广泛的法律服务。<br>for protecting the clients’ legitimate rights, jiudingtianyuan setuped the sichuan sky law firm based on its internal litigation department in the beginning of 2008. until now, jiudingtianyuan is the only intellectual property service with a law firm. with a capacity of 13 lawyers it is able to provide a wider range of legal services.<br> “九鼎天元”一方面主动为客户提供年费提醒或代缴、资助金代办等后续服务;另一方面在企业知识产权战略研究、企业的知识产权管理体系构建、行业知识产权数据库建设、高新技术企业认定、双软认证等各方面为企业提供服务;还积极帮助客户进行知识产权试点、示范、优势企业的申请,科技项目的策划和申报,为各级政府当好参谋,全力推进科技创新、知识产权工作又好又快的发展。<br>on one side the company provides follow-up services such as reminding customers of annual fees, withholding and paying the annual fees and so on. on the other side the company improves their intellectual property services, therefore extending the scope of services from established, planning and strategic researching of corporate intellectual property rights, building database construction of intellectual property to strategy and skill for answering claims on intellectual property rights.  furthermore they help with experimentation, demonstration of the ipr, application and planning and reporting of the science and technology projects. these services will promote the development of the ipr and the scientific innovation as being a good entity for all levels of government. <br><br>努力扩大服务区域<br>efforts to expand service area<br>    2009年初,“九鼎天元”在设立了绵阳、德阳、自贡办事处的基础上,进一步整合资源,与内江市三正专利事务所合并,形成了以成都为中心,以川北、川南为两翼的发展格局,更好的为当地客户提供专业优质服务,有利促进地区知识产权事业发展。<br>in the beginning of 2009, the company established branch offices in mianyang, deyang, and zigong. the company expanded their resources further and merged with sanzheng patent agency in neijiang. this formed a pattern that made chengdu the center with southern and northern sichuan nearby. through these actions jiudingtiayuan can provide better professional services to local clients and facilitate the development of regional intellectual property.<br> <br>建立国际服务网络<br>establishment of the international service network<br>“九鼎天元”坚持开展国际合作,广泛与国外事务所联系并建立知识产权服务网络,打通国外专利申请的快速通道,与法国韦通律师事务所(vidon & partners)、德国法思博律师事务所(vossius & partners)、美国飞翰律师事务所(finnegan henderson)、加拿大的渥克维?瑞诺(ogilvy renault)事务所建立了良好而紧密的合作关系,同时广泛联系美国、德国、日本等国家和港澳台地区的其他服务机构。<br>jiudingtianyuan insists on international co-operation, corresponding with agencies abroad and keeping close ties with foreign patent agencies. it sets up an intellectual property service network. so far the company has friendly and close co-operative relationships with vidon & partners (france), vossius & partners (germany), finnegan henderson (usa) and ogilvy renault (canada) and so on. they also have strong ties with other service agencies in these countries and other areas such as japan and hong kong, macao and taiwan.<br>真诚地期望与贵方在知识产权领域广泛合作,共同开创属于贵我双方的辉煌未来。<br>we sincerely hope to bulid a fridnely cooperation relationship with you in the intellectual property field to achieve a mutual beneficial partnership in the future.<br><br>2005年度荣获四川省中小企业局授予的“四川省中小企业重点服务机构”;<br>2005年度多名代理人被成都市武侯区知识产权局和教育局评为“武侯区中小学校知识产权教育校外辅导员”;<br>2006年度被中华全国代理人协会授予“中华全国代理人协会企业知识产权顾问单位”;<br>2006年度入选中国贸易促进委员会“中国对外贸易企业数据库”;<br>2006年公司承担的“中国家具行业专利信息分析数据系统及成都家具行业专利战略研究”课题,被列入成都市2006年“ 创新能力建设计划”科技计划项目,获得财政专项资金支持,并顺利通过验收;<br>2006年公司副总经理吴彦峰先生被光荣推选为成都市武侯区第五届政协委员; <br>2006年公司有两名代理人被双流县政府聘为“双流县知识产权特派员”<br>2007年被成都市工商局认定为:aa级“重信用.守合同”单位;<br>2007年公司总经理徐宏先生当选中华全国专利代理人协会理事;<br>2007年被四川省知识产权局评为“四川省先进专利代理机构”,<br>2007年被四川省知识产权局有两名代理人被评为“四川省优秀专利代理人”;<br>2007 年公司参与的武侯区的知识产权战略发展研究的软科学项目正式结题;<br>2007年公司总经理徐宏先生被聘为成都市科学技术进步奖评审委员。<br>2008年公司总经理徐宏被聘为“中华全国专利代理人协会第七届理事会”理事。<br>2008年公司被授予成都高新区2007年创建国家知识产权试点园区唯一的“优秀服务机构”称号,公司两名代理人吴彦峰和熊晓果荣获“优秀代理人”称号。<br>2008年公司被四川省知识产权局评为2007年度“四川省先进专利代理机构”,同时公司总经理徐宏、副总经理吴彦峰分别被评为“四川省优秀专利代理人”。<br>2008年公司总经理徐宏、副总经理吴彦峰、刘世权分别被推选为中华全国专利代理人协会第七届理事会学术委员会下设的知识产权诉讼专业委员会委员、企业知识产权委员会委员、发明专利专业委员会委员。<br>2008年公司副总经理吴彦峰被成都市高新区科技局聘为“成都市高新区知识产权服务(信息)中心工作小组”副组长。<br>2008年公司被成都市工商局认定为:aa级“重信用.守合同”单位。<br>2008年公司副总经理吴彦峰被聘为武侯区人民检察院首批特约检察员。<br><br><br>    <br>    本公司现因业务需要,现诚聘人才:<br><br>应聘须知——应聘方式及获得预约:<br><br>(1)<br>简历填写:注明您要应聘的职位;两种以上的有效联系方式;详细说明工作经历,尤其是与应聘职位相关的工作经历与学习经历。<br>特别备注:通过电子邮件、传真发送简历的,请务必提供照片,无照片将不予安排面试。<br>(2)传真:<br>联系电话:、、、   联 系 人:李小姐</p>






  • 公司名称: 成都九鼎天元知识产权代理有限公司
  • 公司状态: 存续
  • 行业: 商务服务业
  • 公司类型: 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
  • 地址: 成都市武侯区洗面桥街33号1栋4楼4号
  • 企业规模: 50-99人
  • 法人代表: 徐宏
  • 注册资本: 100万人民币
  • 注册时间: 2004年01月16日
  • 注册号: 510107000558434
  • 统一社会信用代码: 91510107755991332T
  • 组织机构代码: 755991332
  • 登记机关: 武侯区市场监督管理局
  • 注册地址: 成都市武侯区洗面桥街33号1栋4楼4号
  • 营业期限: 2004-01-16至3999-01-01
  • 核准日期: 2019年08月21日
  • 经营范围:






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