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绿地集团 greenland group<br>成立于1992年的绿地集团,现是中国企业500强和综合性地产领军企业,在2008中国企业500强排名中位列第183位,在中国房地产企业排名中位居第2位,在上海市百强企业集团中排名第17位。根据集团中期发展战略,将力争到2011年左右跻身世界企业500强。 <br>绿地集团创立16年来,始终坚持“营造美好生活”的企业宗旨和“和谐绿地、共建共享”的发展理念,先后获得了全国“五一劳动奖状”、全国精神文明建设工作先进单位、“中华慈善奖”提名奖、上海市慈善之星等荣誉称号。“绿地”商标先后获评上海市著名商标、上海市最具影响力服务商标、中国驰名商标。<br>greenland group, one of the top 500 enterprises and leading real estate enterprise in china, was established in 1992. in 2008, greenland group ranks 183rd among top 500 enterprise, 2nd among real estate enterprises in china, and 17th among top 100 enterprises in shanghai. according to group middle term development strategy, greenland will contrive to be listed among fortune global 500 enterprises in 2011.<br>in the past 16 years since its establishment, greenland group has been strictly adhering to the corporate tenet of creating better life, and has been awarded national labor day certificate of merit, national advanced unit of spiritual civilization, shanghai municipal civilization unit. “greenland group” is also be granted shanghai famous brand and has been awarded as the most influential service brand in shanghai and china.<br><br>绿地商业集团 greenland business group<br>作为绿地集团旗下综合性的产业子集团,绿地商业集团以商业地产开发、商业运营及酒店管理为三大支柱产业,以“推进商业地产经营纵深化,做强商业地产品牌”为主要任务,以“2011年发展成为一流的商业地产开发运营商”为主要奋斗目标,不断提高商业地产开发和商业经营管理水平。以上海为中心,辐射周边,覆盖全国,在全国范围内构建一个综合高、中、低端产品系列的立体式商业地产运营服务平台,努力成为商业地产领域的领军企业。 <br>as a main industrial group of greenland group with the features of cross-area and multioperation, greenland commercial group has currently formed three pillar industries, that is, business property, business operation and hotels.  our mission is to advance the operation depth of commercial real estate and strengthen the brand, target to become a top ranking operator in the field of commercial real estate. <br>greenland commercial group will take shanghai as the center, radiate to the peripheral area and cover the whole country. greenland commercial group is to create a three-dimensional commercial real estate operation service platform and to become a leading enterprise in the field of commercial real estate.<br><br>公司文化理念:company culture<br>愿景 vision<br>成为具有以商业需求管理和产业链资源集成为核心竞争力的商业地产开发、经营和服务的产业集团。<br>with business property management and resource integration as its core competitive power,  shanghai greenland business group aims to be an industrial group specializes in business property development, operations and services. <br>企业宗旨:营造美好生活<br>corporate tenet: create good life for the people<br>企业精神:永不满足、思变图强;永不止步、争创一流<br>corporate spirit: never satisfied, be creative, never stop, be the best.<br>企业理念:和谐绿地、共建共享<br>corporate perspective: construct and enjoy harmonious greenland together.<br><br>业务策略中心  business strategy center<br>业务策略中心是履行绿地集团商业地产业务总部管理职能的职能部门,从绿地集团层面对商业地产业务整体进行统一的规划、指导、支持和服务。主要职责是: <br>负责集团大型商业地产项目的市场研究、项目定位、产品研发; <br>负责集团商业地产项目战略合作关系的开发维护、大客户的招商落实; <br>负责集团商业地产业务的统一规划、标准制定、品牌整合推广等。<br>business strategy center is a key functional management department in greenland commercial real estate industrial. be responsible for the management function of programming, guidance, support and service for the whole industrial.  the main responsibilities are:<br>in charge of the market research, project orientation and product development for large-scale real estate project<br>in charge of the strategic cooperation development and key customers identification<br>in charge of the operation programming, standard setting and branding.<br><br>商业地产开发事业部 property development department<br>负责集团商业地产项目的开发建设,实现商业地产开发经营的产业化。形成完善的商业项目立项、投资、开发、销售的业务链,并在开发过程中逐步形成“高立意规划、高水准开发、高市场回报”的整体项目运作能力。 <br>到2011年,建立并拥有2-3个知名商业地产品牌,自主商业地产开发量达到50万平方米/年,商业地产年销售面积15万平方米,每年销售收入达到25亿元。 <br>responsible for the property development and construction to achieve the industrial operation on commercial real estate. to establish a perfect process of project determination, investment, development and sell, to achieve the high operation ability on programming, development and returns for the whole project.<br>until 2011, property development department contrives to own 2 -3 famous commercial real estate brands with  sqs construction capacity,  sqs sales proportion and sales revenue rmb 2.5 billion every year.<br><br>商业运营管理事业部 commercial real estate operations department<br>商业运营管理事业部作为集团下设的三大事业部之一,是集团多元化发展的重要一级。主持集团商业项目的运作,全面负责集团商用物业(包括商业广场、办公楼及其他商业设施)的租赁/招商、商业推广策划和营运管理。商业运营事业部将以经验丰富的商业管理团队、先进的管理理念、规范的管理制度,致力于打造绿地商业管理的著名品牌。 <br>到2011年,商业地产保有量达到500万平方米,年租金收入和商业运营收入达到20亿元。 <br>as one of three pillars industrials, commercial real estate operations department is the key for the group multioperation development. responsible for the commercial project operation, in charge of the rent/recruit investment, marketing strategy and operation management for commercial real estates including commercial center, office and other properties. the operation department contrives to become the famous brand in greenland business group with experiences management team, advanced management concept and standardized management policies<br>until 2011, commercial real estate operations department is targeted to  have 5 million sqs on real estate with sales revenue rmb 2 billion every year.<br><br>酒店管理事业部 hotel management department <br>社会经济的快速发展,科技、文化和交通的发达,带来了商务、旅游活动的日益繁荣,酒店业应运获得迅猛发展。绿地商业集团以卓越的前瞻意识洞悉市场机遇,扬己所长,积极进入酒店业发展领域。在地域布局上,以上海为核心,辐射华东、华中、西北等地区,逐步实施全国战略。在市场和产品定位上,着力打造豪华酒店、商务酒店等产品系列,现已与包括全球最大的酒店管理集团——洲际酒店管理集团、万豪国际酒店集团及豪生酒店集团等知名酒店管理公司合作。目前,绿地商业集团经营中的酒店已经达到5家,在建或筹建的酒店有14家,按照集团发展战略布局,在未来5年内,绿地品牌拥有的酒店数量将达到50家。 <br>greenland business is focus on the development of both luxury hotels and commercial hotels. now is cooperate with several international hotel management company, ie. intercontinental hotels group, marriot hotel group and howard johnson hotels group. now we have 14 hotels under operation, pre-opening or during instruction. according to group development strategy, greenland will own around 50 hotels in next 5 years.<br><br>我们期待优秀人才的加盟,希望与更多的有识之士携手未来,共创美好前程!<br>welcome to join greenland and growing with greenland!</p>







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