陕西智能人才交流有限公司于1992年起源于新加坡,现营业网点覆盖至北京市、陕西省、江苏省和四川省,主营国际贸易、国际文化教育交流与合作、国际人才交流、国际劳务输出等业务。中国教育部,公安部首批认证机构,17年的专业留学服务经验,具有海外背景的专业咨询顾问团队,315诚信单位,以及一流的国外后续服务,使得智能发展成为多国政府机构及公立、私立院校驻中国的正式代表,与主要驻华(领)使馆签证部门、国外合作方建立了良好的合作关系,并树立了品牌信誉。我公司服务项目有:国际教育、合作办学、留学签证、定居签证、海外就业和商务签证;出境冬、夏令营、短期语言进修;提供加拿大、美国、英国、爱尔兰、澳大利亚、新西兰、新加坡等国留学咨询;根据申请人要求进行全面评估,量身定做最合适的留学方案;协助办理入学申请及签证申请;提供签证培训、行前指导、代办机票、接机和住宿安排等服务项目;为学生家长办理探亲手续;提供相关家属服务:海外定居、陪读、商务等。 Originated in Singapore 1993, Shaanxi Zhineng International Exchange of Talent Co., LTD hascovered major businesses like foreign trade, international cultural and educational exchange and cooperation, international intellectuals exchange, and international labor exports Beijing, Shaanxi, Jiangsu, and Sichuan Provinces,by Ministries of Public Education and Security of P.R.C Zhineng has 17-years specialized experiences in overseas study service, professional consultant with overseas study or work background, and excellent after-care services. As 3.15 Credibility Unit, Zhineng has been an official representative that multi-governments and institutions as well as public and private colleges established in Shaanxi even China. A well cooperative relationship has been formulated with Embassies visa departments and overseas cooperators; a brand reputation has been set up already. Our services are involved in international education, joint-ventures in schools, visa for study abroad and immigration, overseas employment and business visa; overseas winter and summer camps, short-term language training; consultant relating study abroad in Canada, America, England, Ireland, Australia,New Zealand, Singapore, etc.; making appropriate overseas study plan accordingly after a full-scale evaluation required by applicant; and facilitating the handling application for schools admission and visa. Services for visa training, departure guide,flight tickets ordering, flights pick-up, accommodation preparation, visitor visa,services concerning families like overseas immigration, accompanying studies, and business and so on are also inclu查看更多
- 公司名称: 陕西智能人才交流有限公司
- 公司状态: 在业
- 行业: 商务服务业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
- 地址: 陕西省西安市高新区科技路33号高新国际商务中心5层501
- 企业规模: -
- 法人代表: 刘全瑜
- 注册资本: 262万人民币
- 注册时间: 1996年07月15日
- 注册号: 610000100480268
- 统一社会信用代码: 91610000294199296J
- 组织机构代码: 294199296
- 登记机关: 陕西省市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 陕西省西安市高新区科技路33号高新国际商务中心5层501
- 营业期限: 1996-07-15至无固定期限
- 核准日期: 2017年04月05日
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- 公司招聘
- 人才网
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