domani group limited is a hong kong based corporation specialize in space design, corporate planning and business consultancy. domani group limited aims to build a world class professional design and planning service corporation in the asia-pacific region. established at the beginning of 2000, the company has achieved fast development and obtained good reputation from both the industry and the society in quality design standard and professional service. in 2005 the corporation had restructured to increase “vi-sun” planning?architectural design team and two interior design teams (“define.5” and set one). based on serving global medium and high-end customer groups in different industries, we are committed to provide highest quality architectural planning and interior design service. east idea deport strictly controls the design quality. our design projects had won design awards at national and international design competitions. with our resource, network and professional service team, east idea deport can provide high quality design for you! u0026lt;bru0026gt;u0026lt;bru0026gt;香港东仓建设集团有限公司—— 专业从事各类空间设计、企业策划、商业顾问的大型港资企业,以构建亚太地区顶级专业设计策划服务平台为目标。公司组建于2000年初,凭着极具高度的设计水准、专业优质的服务精神,逐渐被业内及社会人士认可,形成良好的口碑并迅速发展壮大,于2005年正式注册成立专业的空间设计策划顾问机构,旗下拥有“d5”和“c7”两个创意深化设计组,及“云森”建筑规划设计组,立足服务于大中华区不同行业的中高端客户群体,致力为客户提供最高水平的建筑及室内设计专业服务。东仓对设计质素的把控极为严谨,所设计的作品在国内外均获一致好评,并在众多国际设计竞赛中屡获殊荣。优越的资源平台,专业的服务队伍,高质的理想设计,尽在东仓建设!欢迎登陆u0026lt;bru0026gt;u0026lt;bru0026gt;应聘设计类岗位,请附个人作品,勿重复投递,多谢合作!u0026lt;/pu0026gt;查看更多

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