德尔福电子电气集控系统是德尔福派克的一个产品线业务事业部,于2008年成立于上海安亭。工厂拥有三条中央集控电器盒生产线,具备1700万美金的年生产能力。<br><br>主要产品种类包括带线束的简易电器盒, 冲压金属片中央集控电器盒, 印刷线路板中央集控电器盒, 智能型中央集控电器盒, 及主保险器电器盒。<br><br>公司拥有国内国际一流的技术团队, 我们能够提供独立的全方位服务,比如完善的制造工艺流程和专业的客户服务, 全球统一的制造体系, 提供快速工程设计, 及零部件标准化及本地化。<br><br>delphi electrical/electronic centers (dec) is a product business unit of delphi packard, and its shanghai anting new venture is established in 2008. the manufacturer is equipped with three production lines which can bring us$1700 million per year. <br><br>its major products include power distribution blocks, stamped metal, pcb, smart, and pre-fused blocks.<br><br>delphi electrical/electronic centers (dec) is fully capable of local engineering team that is fully integrated with global engineering team. we have global manufacturing & customer service network. we also possess broad range of capability and system, such as globally common manufacturing systems, fast design delivery, and component localization.<br><br>随着工厂规模和业务的不断扩大,我们诚邀各地英才的加盟,电子电气集控系统(dec)上海工厂将会为您提供良好的职业前景和优良的培训机会,我们期待与您一起共创美好未来!查看更多

上海嘉定安亭园国路200号dcs & dec工厂
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