阿克苏诺贝尔是财富全球500强企业之一,公司在阿姆斯特丹euronext及纳斯达克证券交易所上市,也被列入道琼斯sustainability 指数及《金融时报》ftse4good指数。阿克苏诺贝尔的总部设于荷兰,是一家多元文化企业,服务世界各地的客户,我们业务包括人用及动物用药品、涂料及化学品,业务单位共有13个,全球员工数目达到人,在全球80多个国家及地区设有运营单位。公司在2005年的综合收入达到130亿欧元。<br><br>阿克苏诺贝尔目前在中国拥有8个化学品生产厂及13个涂料厂。公司预计到2010年,在中国的总销售额将超过10亿美元。<br><br><br><br>akzonobel is a global fortune 500 company and is listed on both the euronext amsterdam and nasdaq stock exchanges. it is also included on the dow jones sustainability indexes and ftse4good index. based in the netherlands, we are a multicultural organization serving customers throughout the world with human and animal healthcare products, coatings, and chemicals. we employ around people and conduct our activities in four segments − human and animal health, coatings and chemicals − subdivided into 13 business units, with operating subsidiaries in more than 80 countries. consolidated revenues for 2005 totaled eur 13.0 billion.<br><br>akzonobel currently operates eight chemicals production plants in china, while the coatings business has 13 facilities. the company has set a target for combined sales of more than usd 1 billion in china by 2010.查看更多
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