the eton hotel,shanghai is an international deluxe business hotel,strategically located in the heart of lujiazui finance and trade zone in pudong. the hotel has 460luxuriously appointed rooms, gourmet cuisine created by international master chefs,conference and banquet facilities that can accommodate up to 500 guests.along with our indoor pool, gym and spa. the eton hotel is the perfect place for the discerning business guest and leisure traveler alike. <br>hotel guest rooms & suites offer spectacular metropolitan views. <br>the unique & spacious atrium between every other floor adds an extra dimension to this exquisite hotel. <br>a wide array of international cuisine is available in hotel to ensure that every palate imaginable can be satisfied. <br>super bowl–a perfect venue for a quick lunch,featuring a variety of delicious asian&western dishes.<br>jala restaurant, bar & cigar lounge – japanese & south american experience. <br>the eton café–all day dining. featuring local chinese, asian and international cuisines in a relaxed atmosphere.<br>lobby lounge-an ideal place to meet and unwind with a refreshing drink and live entertainment. <br>filled with natural daylight and meeting capacity of up to 500 guests, with an additional 15 meeting rooms, featuring state-of-the art equipment and our professional team, the eton grand ballroom can accommodate all your conference needs.<br><br>裕景大饭店是位于浦东陆家嘴金融贸易区中心的国际豪华商务饭店。拥有460间豪华舒适的客房、国际厨师精心烹制的美食珍馐、多功能会议室及能容纳500名宾客的宴会厅、与潮流同步的健身休闲设施如室内游泳池、健身中心及水疗中心。<br>所有客房及套房浴室内都设有独立的淋浴和带液晶电视的盆浴区域。每二层楼中间独特的中庭设计为下榻的宾客提供一个会客、畅谈的理想之地。<br>豪碗福餐厅及其别致的室外长廊可将花园美景尽收眼底,同时供应中西方美食及甜品。<br>裕景咖啡融合了本地、亚洲等地餐饮特色。开放型厨房让您一睹精彩的烹制过程。两间幽雅的包房为您营造亲和、私密的就餐氛围。<br>jala为您呈现完美的日本料理和南美风味美食。jala吧您提供上好年份的郎姆酒、伏特加及新颖独特的各款鸡尾酒。雪茄、醇香美酒和精致小食来自jala雪茄吧。<br>御庭中餐厅由名师掌勺,各款经典广式佳肴广受青睐。17间包房适合亲友小聚和商务宴请。<br>裕景宴会厅充满了阳光气息。可同时容纳500名宾客。另有15间多功能会议室,备有先进的会议视听设施。<br>裕景健身水疗中心有桑拿房、湿蒸房、水力按摩池及各类健身设施。“源”水治疗中心的私人包房提供专业的全套水疗和香薰按摩服务。查看更多
- 公司名称: 齐茂(中国)有限公司上海裕景大饭店
- 公司状态: 存续
- 行业: 商务服务业
- 公司类型: 分公司
- 地址: 中国(上海)自由贸易试验区浦东大道535号
- 企业规模: 100-499人
- 法人代表: TAN LUCIO(陈永栽)
- 注册时间: 2008年02月20日
- 注册号: 310115500077175
- 统一社会信用代码: 91310000671182482Q
- 组织机构代码: 671182482
- 登记机关: 自由贸易试验区市场监管局
- 注册地址: 中国(上海)自由贸易试验区浦东大道535号
- 营业期限: 2008-02-20至2045-11-13
- 核准日期: 2008年02月20日
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当前位置: 人才网 > 东莞人才网 > 上海齐茂房地产开发有限公司裕景大饭店招聘
手机版: 上海齐茂房地产开发有限公司裕景大饭店招聘