about foreigntalent<br>foreigntalent was founded in 2007 to become the first company in holland entirely focused on supporting companies to successfully recruit university graduates and professionals from abroad.<br>our recruitment activities are aimed at selecting top-class talent from across asia. using our wide network of contacts with universities, alumni associations, student unions and other organizations, we are able to match excellent candidates with job opportunities at leading dutch companies in many industries.<br>foreigntalent operates from its european headquarters in amsterdam and its regional offices in beijing and singapore.<br>for services provided by foreigntalent, candidates do not need to sign a contract or pay a fee. all applications are treated strictly confidential.<br>申请者不需要与我们签署任何形式的合约和支付任何的费用。我们对所有的申请人的信息资料将严格保密。<br>all the companies we are working with have been admitted to the special “highly skilled ” policy of the dutch.<br>所有和我们合作的荷兰企业均认可”高技术工作人才引进”政策。<br>what is "highly skilled migrants" policy?<br>什么是荷兰“高技术工作人才引进”政策?<br>in order to make it easier for companies to attract talent from abroad, the dutch introduced a special policy, called the highly skilled migrants policy<br>为了更好的吸引国外人才前来荷兰工作,荷兰在2006公布并推行了“高技术工作人才引进”政策。<br>under this policy, companies can obtain approval for a work permit for a foreign employee in no more than 2 weeks. one of the main criteria is that the foreign employee is offered an employment contract that pays a certain minimum salary. for employees younger than 30 years old this is eur per year and eur per year for employees older than 30. since the introduction of the new policy, companies have hired thousands of foreigners each year to come to work in the netherlands.<br>“高技术工作人才引进”规定,企业可以在两周内获取外国员工的必要工作许可。其主要条件之一就是外国员工须提供与企业签订的含有最低工资的劳动合同。年龄小于30岁的员工必须获得最低欧元的年收入,大于30岁的员工必须获得最低欧元的年收入。自新政策颁布以来,荷兰本土企业每年已经吸引了数千人前来荷兰工作。<br>一经聘用,其家属均可一同前往并享有工作权利!<br>工作地点:荷兰查看更多

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