郑州四维机电设备制造有限公司(以下简称郑州四维机电公司)是imm国际煤机集团下属的外商独资企业, 是国内液压支架专业生产厂,公司位于国家郑州高新技术产业开发区,是河南省高新技术企业,郑州高新区重点扶持企业与河南省首批制造业信息化示范单位,占地1000余亩,现有员工2200余人,各类设备1300余台套。公司的主导产品煤矿综采支护设备—液压支架,以及冶金、航空、工程机械等配套使用的液压设备及备件、电子及电气控制设备等。公司的产品遍及国内各大矿务局及煤矿集团,并远销俄罗斯、乌克兰、保加利亚等国。<br> 郑州四维机电公司采用现代化的管理体制,已通过iso、iso-2004、gb/t-2001三大体系标准认证,设有两个研究院、七个分厂、一个全资子公司以及十几个职能部门。公司拥有一支以专家、博士和高级工程师带头的300余人技术队伍,致力于煤矿综合机械化成套设备设计、制造及施工,提供一步到位的解决方案,独立设计各类液压支架,产品研发全部采用精确的三维参数优化、有限元分析、动力学分析、运动仿真等,实现设计中间阶段对零部件进行干涉检查、受力分析,设计后期模拟装配和压架。保证设计和分析的同步及逆行能够,缩短产品研制周期,提高产品质量。<br> 公司正在与国际知名企业合作组建电液控制系统研制中心,建立现代化的铸造、电镀生产基地,以打造“双百企业”(百亿企业、百年企业)为目标,把四维机电公司打造成中国煤矿机械最大的研发和制造基地。高度决定视野,战略改变未来,思维拓展时空,未来的四维机电将以采矿装备业为主,向兵器装备业、造船业、机床制造业多元化纵深发展。<br> 纵横天下、海纳百川,欢迎有志之士加盟四维机电。<br> zhengzhou siwei mechanical & electrical equipment manufacturing co., ltd. (hereafter zhengzhou siwei for short), a foreign-owned enterprise, is one of the leading manufacturers of hydraulic shields in china. zhengzhou siwei, situated in the hi-tech industry development zone, is now a provincial hi-tech enterprise , a municipal key enabling enterprise, and one of the first batch of information-based enterprise. with the total coverage of over 1000 acres, zhengzhou siwei boasts of its 2200-odd staff, and 1300-odd units of equipments. <br> the leading products of zhengzhou siwei include: hydraulic shields (the supporting equipments used in the mechanized mining operations), hydraulic equipments and fittings for metallurgy, aviation and engineering projects, electric and electronic control equipments, etc. now the products of zhengzhou siwei has an international market.<br> zhengzhou siwei has passed many national authentications, such as iso, iso-2004, gb/t-2001. zhengzhou siwei now possesses 2 r & d institutes, 7 branch factories, 1 wholly-owned subsidiary, and 10 functional departments. backed by the r & d team (composed of more than 300 specialists including national experts, doctors, senior engineers and assistant engineers), we can provide our customers one-step solutions and design various shields independently. our products are all developed through 3d parameterized shape optimization, fem analysis, kinetic analysis, motion simulation, etc. , thus interference detection and force analysis of the fittings in the mid-stage, and simulation assembly and frame-crushing test in the later-stage are insured. in doing so the design and analysis can perform simultaneously, reducing the r & d cycle, and improving the quality.<br> zhengzhou siwei is cooperating with some world famous enterprise to build electro-hydraulic control system r & d center and modernized electro-plating and forging base. our goal is to be a century enterprise with the turnover exceeding 10 billion rmb. now we are on our way to realize it, developing siwei the largest r & d and manufacturing base of the mining machinery. <br> height decides vision, strategy changes our future and thought expand space-time. in the future, based on mining equipments, zhengzhou siwei will develop towards weaponry ,shipbuilding and machine tools industries to realize diversified development.<br> welcome people with lofty ideas to join!查看更多
- 公司名称: 卡特彼勒(郑州)有限公司
- 公司状态: 存续
- 行业: 专用设备制造业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(港澳台法人独资)
- 地址: 荥阳市广武镇董庄村
- 企业规模: 小于50人
- 法人代表: 陈其华
- 注册资本: 273183.695万人民币
- 注册时间: 2007年04月20日
- 注册号: 410199400000285
- 统一社会信用代码: 914101002680225346
- 组织机构代码: 268022534
- 登记机关: 郑州市市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 荥阳市广武镇董庄村
- 营业期限: 2007-04-20至2037-04-19
- 核准日期: 2019年10月09日
郑州市高新技术开发区金梭路 7号
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