上海杰深石化设备科技有限公司(jorson)是为石化、炼油、化工、纺织、电力等行业提供工程设备设计、制造、安装、调试阶段的监理服务,同时还提供工程咨询、考察评估、询价、采购、催货、开箱验收和工程管理等全方位服务的独立的工程咨询机构。u0026lt;bru0026gt; jorson公司监理服务在中石化股份公司得票位居第一。jorson公司取得国家工程设备监理乙级资质、上海市工程设备监理甲级资质。通过iso9001、iso、gb/t三个管理体系的认证。通过英国ukas iso9001的认证。 u0026lt;bru0026gt; jorson下设容器部、机械部和商务部。u0026lt;bru0026gt;jorson主要监理业绩为石油化工设备、炼油设备、化纤设备、大化肥尿素设备、空分设备、煤化工设备、锅炉、工业驱动汽轮机、电力设备、环保设备、起重机械等,如:加氢反应器、螺纹环锁紧式换热器、四合一重整反应器、板壳式换热器、新氢压缩机、各种驱动汽轮机;乙烯裂解炉急冷器、裂解气压缩机组、乙烯精馏塔、乙烯冷箱、5ni低温储罐;煤液化反应器;羰基合成反应器;甲醇合成塔;氨合成塔;尿素合成塔、高压洗涤器、高压冷凝器、二氧化碳汽提塔;化肥四大机组;蒸汽加热煅烧炉;pta干燥机、聚酯反应器;港机起重设备;风力发电设备等。u0026lt;bru0026gt; jorson公司先后为美国apci(空气化工产品有限公司)、美国ch2mhill(西图工程有限公司)、南非bateman engineering(贝特曼工程有限公司)、dupont performance coating company(杜邦高性能涂料有限公司)、celanese(塞拉尼斯化工有限公司)、比利时aib-vincotte(温科特国际公司)、美国aker、ypc、tge、technip、abb、amc、jgc、mec等国外工程公司提供了设备检验服务。我公司还是日本检验有限公司(jic)在国内的总经销。u0026lt;bru0026gt; u0026lt;bru0026gt;地址(adress):上海浦东张江青桐路333-65号 u0026lt;bru0026gt; jorson mainly specifies at the quality supervisory service of petrochemical equipment, equipment site installation and engineering projects. with the time going, jorson also provides the comprehensive engineering management service for clients, including consultation, appraisal, quotation, purchase, and expediting and box inspection of petrochemical project. u0026lt;bru0026gt;jorson owns a group of technical staff who have been engaged in third-party inspection of engineering equipment and manufacturing inspection of petrochemical factories over a long period of time. representatives from 36 petroleum and petrochemical enterprises and 7 equipment surveillance companies were invited to vote for the best qualification of third-party surveillance companies, jorson ranked first.u0026lt;bru0026gt;jorson has passed abs, dnv, bv, sgs and moody. in may, jorson got the approval of iso9001 (gb/t) quality management system, iso (gb / t) environment system and ohsasi security system officially.u0026lt;bru0026gt;there are three main departments: vessel department, mechanical department and business department.u0026lt;bru0026gt;major achievements of jorson: large fertilizer plants, main domestic equipment of urea, major equipments of refinery, air separation equipment, petrochemical major equipment etc. thread locking ring heat exchanger, vertical heat exchangers, plate-fin heat exchanger, and methanol synthesis tower of methanol devices, dual-phase steel equipment, titanium equipment tower condenser in the air separation devices, super low-temperature ethylene storage tank.u0026lt;bru0026gt;jorson has provided excellent services to many overseas clients. such as apci, ch2mhill, bateman engineering,dupont performance coating company,celanese, aib-vincotte, aker solutions, ypc、tge、technip、abb、amc、jgc、mecs. jorson also is the general agent for jic in our country.u0026lt;bru0026gt;u0026lt;bru0026gt;address: add: no.65, long 333, qingtong road, zhangjiang, pudong district, shanghai china p.r.u0026lt;bru0026gt;查看更多
- 公司名称: 上海杰深工程技术咨询有限公司
- 公司状态: 注销
- 行业: 商务服务业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
- 地址: 上海市闸北区沪太路1895弄51号9幢一楼129室
- 法人代表: 敬明艳
- 注册资本: 50万人民币
- 注册时间: 1997年12月22日
- 注册号: 310108000177640
- 登记机关: 静安区市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 上海市闸北区沪太路1895弄51号9幢一楼129室
- 营业期限: 1997-12-22至2022-10-08
- 核准日期: 1997年12月22日
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