ecs europe china solutions gmbh <br>ecs是德国亚琛市的一家独资咨询公司。在中国浙江省宁波市有其外商独资企业“宁波中欧咨询有限公司”。现在ecs 在北京,上海,深圳都设有办事处。ecs在德国和中国的两支团队共同致力于将欧洲公司带进中国,将中国公司引入欧洲。 <br>长期以来,ecs的管理队伍一直和中国、香港、台湾的跨国企业和商家竭诚合作,为他们提供综合的市场交流支持服务,共同促进大中国地区市场的发展。对于中国文化结构及背景的深入了解使得ecs能够帮您克服中欧之间的文化差异,从而实现双赢的局面。 <br><br>ecs的专家将帮您采用最高效的发展模式登陆大中国市场。中欧的私有、中型企业都可以从ecs的服务中受益。ecs通过各种方式为您提供服务: <br><br>● ecs在中国宁波建立了中欧咨询有限公司,欧洲公司可以租借这里的办公室,享受各种服务,从而专心致力于他们的核心业务,如推广销售欧洲产品、提供相关的售后服务等。ecs还帮助欧洲公司在中国建立市场基地,以供应中国市场和国际市场。 <br>● 在德国,ecs通过基于因特网的销售渠道和营销手段,帮助将中国产品直接销售给欧洲的终端客户。ecs允许中国生产厂家加入他们的系统,从而能直接面向目标市场进行开发和销售。 <br>● ecs促成中国和欧洲的技术贸易合作。ecs联系欧洲的技术提供者和中国的技术使用者,帮助他们进行所需的技术转让。并提供相应的服务,如:海关、税收、认证、申请执照等等。 <br><br><br>我们在全国各地的代表处将帮助您快速打入中国市场。我们为您在中国提供办公场地和专家,使您能够专注于产品和客户。 <br><br>另一方面,我们的欧洲市场专家会帮助那些希望进驻国际市场的中国中小企业,为他们解决各种障碍,利用我们基于因特网的销售平台,使他们能够直接接触欧洲的终端客户。 <br><br>利用咨询服务,为您推荐、开发、确定解决方案可以让您节约大量的金钱和时间,还能避免重大的失误。正是在这样的理念指引下,ecs开发出自己的商务服务模式,使我们的客户能够在这个日新月异的舞台中保持领先的地位。您的成功就是我们的目标! <br><br>ecs-tc europe-china service & technology center ningbo <br>we are convinced, that the 21st century will be the chinese century. european businesses have to get prepared for that. in china will be observed the highest growth rates and the highest demand for european economic goods. <br><br>preconditions <br>small and medium sized enterprises (sme's) are challenged if they try the market entry into the chinese market alone. it's not only the financial resources which have to be stretched much more than expected, it's even more the restricted management resources of sme’s that come to their limits in the new chinese adventure. building up a robust bridge between headquarters and the chinese branch is easily as much work as building a new company. <br><br>objective <br>the europe china service & technology center (ecs-tc) focuses on bringing sme's in an efficient way into the chinese market. whereas big companies can easily establish joint ventures or wholly foreign owned enterprises in china, sme's have considerable difficulties with the administrational demands in all phases of their project. in order to reduce these difficulties ecs set up a technology center in china, where an experienced staff takes care of most of the administrational tasks. this will allow the sme's to concentrate on their particular business. at the same time european companies are offered office space for their representative office or liaison office in china. <br><br>services <br>ecs-tc covers the extra time and cost, originating from the new market environment and allows the sme's to concentrate on their core business. the center makes exactly those administrational services available which are needed by all companies: business center, call center, accounting, translation and interpretation, or travel organization. on top of that the center also carries through sales and marketing projects, sets up a service center, technical service support, after sales service ( maintenance, hotline, emergency repair service) or runs a final assembly shop. <br><br><br><br>查看更多

- 公司名称: 宁波中欧咨询有限公司
- 公司状态: 吊销,未注销
- 行业: 商务服务业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(外国自然人独资)
- 地址: 宁波市北仑区明州西路502-2号
- 注册资本: 12万美元
- 注册时间: 2003年12月03日
- 注册号: 330200400027598
- 统一社会信用代码: 913302067562653401
- 组织机构代码: 756265340
- 登记机关: 宁波市北仑区市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 宁波市北仑区明州西路502-2号
- 营业期限: 2003-12-03至2033-12-02
- 核准日期: 2004年06月02日
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