海南生命元医药有限公司<br> <br> 海南生命元医药有限公司是一港资跨国集团公司成员企业,以北大某科研机构为研发中心,以打造精品普药,造福千家万户为已任。<br> <br> 公司目前全国独家代理数家内外资制药公司产品,并另有十余种经典普药在今明两年陆续上市。公司现已在全国建立起包括医院,otc,物流等多层次,多渠道的市场体系和销售网络。因公司业务的迅速发展,现诚邀全国各主要地市医药销售精英加盟,公司将倾力与志同道合之士在各个区域合力打造一个持续、快速、长期发展的平台。<br> <br>hainan sunmy pharmaceutical co., ltd<br> <br>hainan sunmy pharmaceutical co., ltd., located in hainan province, was reformed and estabalised in 2007. sunmy is a market driven joint venture company, which belongs to a hongkong multinational group. as a reponsible corporate citizen, “caring for live, attending to health” is sunmy’s unswerving social commintment.<br> <br>sunmy market positioning is in deep distribution and wholesale in china. to this end, sunmy has sut up a multi-channel and multi-level marketing system and sales network covering hospitals, drugstores, and endsales as well in all of china. sunmy has established traiding and cooperative relations with over 1000 dealers across china. at the same time, sunmy successfully helped seveal local and transnational pharmaceutical firms launch and promote products in only two years in china. to sum up, sunmy is aiming to build a win-win relationship both with manufacturers and dealer in rapid-development china market.</p>查看更多
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