上海环亚保险经纪有限公司是一家经中国保险监督管理委员会批准设立的全国性保险经纪公司,总部设在上海,在国内主要城市设有分支机构。上海环亚保险经纪有限公司是中国保险行业协会会员及上海保险同业公会、上海保险学会理事单位,是中国2010年上海世博会保险咨询顾问。公司董事长兼总经理鲍荣清是全国保险系统首批劳动模范、上海市保险同业公会第五届理事会副会长。<br><br>公司成立于2004年,其前身是1995年成立的上海环亚商务代理有限公司,是上海最早的保险中介企业之一,是最早加入上海市保险学会,最早实现产、寿险保险业务均衡发展,最早成立财产保险、寿险理赔中心的中介企业。公司始终坚持“诚信为本、立业为众”的经营理念,以成熟的经验、专业化的服务、国际化的运作,为客户提供专业的风险管理咨询和风险保障解决方案。公司的服务范围涵盖了市场上除个人寿险以外的绝大部分商业保险,包括:能源保险、船舶保险、机动车辆保险、货物运输保险、建筑工程保险、安装工程保险、各类责任保险、农业保险、员工福利保险及相关再保险经纪业务等,在全国保险中介行业中处于领先地位。<br><br>公司拥有一支资深的风险管理专业队伍,为不同行业的企事业单位及个人设计专业化、个性化的保险方案,并提供全面的、一站式的完善的售后服务。每年,我们为上千家客户提供企业财产险、责任险、短期意外险和健康险服务。不仅有国内的大中型企业,而且还有世界500强的外资、中外合资企业,业务涉及石油、天然气勘探开发、造船、远洋、港口、国内沿海船舶保险等高风险行业。<br>with its head office in shanghai, shanghai asian insurance brokers co., ltd. (saib) restructured from former shanghai asian insurance agent co.,ltd. in 2004, is approved and licenced by circ to transact insurance and reinsurance business throught p.r.china. in august 2006, saib was appointed as insurance consultant for china 2010 shanghai expo by shanghai world expo bureau.<br><br>founded in 1995 and admitted as one of the first memberships by shanghai insurance society, saib successfully keeps a well-proportioned business development beteen its property & liability insurance and life & benefit insurance. with our professional and experience team, efficient management system and fully-supported customer services, it allows us to provide at international standards unrivalled services involving property insurance, liability insurance, credit & bond insurance and pa & gpa insurance. it plays the leading role in intermediary industry and at the same time it is the membership of china insurance association and shanghai insurance trade association.<br><br>saib has set up a nation-wide service network with its branches or customer’s service offices covering major provinces and cities in china. saib has kept good cooperation with insurance and reinsurance companies domestically or abroad. caibc always keeps the entrepreneurial spirit “ reliaable service for clients and right solution to clients” in order to make most of what we can do for our clients. saib is always ready to provide our clients with our services including but not limiting to risk management, conslutancy and solutions as well as assistances with claim settlement, helping them avoid riks at utmost and keep them finance stability.查看更多
- 公司名称: 上海环亚保险经纪有限公司
- 公司状态: 存续
- 行业: 保险业
- 公司类型: 其他有限责任公司
- 地址: 上海市黄浦区六合路98号13楼
- 企业规模: 小于50人
- 法人代表: 鲍荣清
- 注册资本: 5000万人民币
- 注册时间: 2002年03月05日
- 注册号: 310229000632338
- 统一社会信用代码: 913101017366698825
- 组织机构代码: 736669882
- 登记机关: 黄浦区市场监管局
- 注册地址: 上海市黄浦区六合路98号13楼
- 营业期限: 2002-03-05至无固定期限
- 核准日期: 2017年08月28日
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