上海双维公司是一家工贸结合规范化企业,是上海模具工业协会常务理事单位。<br> 公司自1999年创建以来,积极参与市场服务和竞争,向客户提供五大类机床产品:数控机床、电加工机床、测量仪器、精密通用机床、米其林工具以及售前、售中、售后的良好服务,具备从提供设备、技术、工艺的一站式服务的能力。因而在汽车、模具、it、制造、冲压、教育等行业建立了广大客户群,深得客户的支持和信赖,并与十五个国家约上千家国内外客户保持贸易往来。并被上海紫燕模具工业有限公司认证为合格机床供应商。<br> 2003年参与了国际it行业芯片焊接设备的高精度零部件的制造,被新加坡kinergy集团认证为“it设备零部件制造合格供应商”。<br> 2006年又进入医疗器械行业,以长期积累的专业技术优势为依托,致力于医疗器械行业的研发与制造。<br> 公司始终秉承:“优质的追求、诚意的服务、您所需要的,我们都能做”的经营理念,不断实践创新,公司内部采用了局域网及先进的软件管理,进一步完善技术营销服务,实现了“把制造商的先进科技传递给客户,把制造商的销售利润让给客户”。公司以客户满意为使命,以客户双赢为追求,我们愿意与您携手共创事业的辉煌! <br> shuangwei(shanghai) co.,ltd. is a company which offers a wild range of mould related services and also a member of shanghai mould industry association.<br> since established in 1999, we provide 5 categories of machine products: cnc machine, edm, test﹠measuring instrument, ordinary machine, “matchling”tools﹠machine accessory. moreover we offer equipment, technology and high-quality services to customers. our customers involve many different industries, ranging from automobile, it, education and mould manufacturing industries. and we have established ongoing business relationship with thousands of customers in 5 different countries. meanwhile we were confirmed by shanghai ziyan mould industry co.,ltd. as a qualified supplier for machine tools.<br> in 2003, we participated in high-accuracy spare parts manufacture of international it professional chip welding apparatus and we were certified by kinergy(singapore) as a “approved supplier of it equipment accessories.”<br> in 2006, we devoted ourselves to the medical apparatus depending on long-term professional technology superiority.<br> we are strictly following our company motto of “purse excellence, provide the best, and fulfill every customer's request.” we manage our company with advanced software. and we persist in innovation and improvement to realize the aim:“pass on the manufacturer's advanced technology to our customers, distribute the manufacture's sales profits to our customers.” to create win-win situations. we expect to build a prosperous future with your.查看更多
- 公司名称: 上海双维精密模具设备有限公司
- 公司状态: 存续
- 行业: 批发业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
- 地址: 上海市松江区洞泾路8号18幢
- 企业规模: -
- 法人代表: 金维熙
- 注册资本: 50万人民币
- 注册时间: 2000年01月25日
- 注册号: 310227000598792
- 统一社会信用代码: 91310117631634085H
- 组织机构代码: 631634085
- 登记机关: 松江区市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 上海市松江区洞泾路8号18幢
- 营业期限: 2000-01-25至无固定期限
- 核准日期: 2020年01月08日
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