职位类别: 文员/助理
职位要求: 1.大专或以上学历; 2.能够进行简单的英语交流; 3.会PS或AI的优先考虑 工作职责:主要负责工程资料制作和整理等工作查看更多
- 年龄要求: 不限
- 语言要求: 英语
- 所属部门: 工程部

in the april of 1992, piko model manufacturing co. ltd was found in sonneberg, germany with its founder dr. rené f wilfer, who is now the general manager of piko. the model train of piko has playing a leading role in toy industry as a world-famous product for more than fifty years. the products are known of its vivid imitation of reality and delicate details. nearly every family or train fans in europe and america has a piko product. piko asia limited was founded in hong kong in 2005. in may of 2007, with the need of development and huge interest of china market, piko set up its chinese branch in xin tang road, chao lang industrial area, dong guan city. the dong guan branch mainly produces train models, which are all sold abroad. the dong guan piko has the most advanced production equipments in the world, such as automatic spraying line, 2-6 color padprinting equipment, auto injection machine, advancing plate print down technology, which keeps the high quality of production. company also has adopted advanced management model and owns capable managing talents and technicians. we would like to provide a comfortable and safe working and living environment and a good developing opportunity for every employee here. piko believes that the new economic times that lead by progressive technology will bring a great deal of long-term developing opportunity for china. therefore we adopt localize managing model to push company achievement to a new height with strategic policy in china and our advantages we have now. our company works 8 hours a day and 5 days a week. piko dong guan provides favorable condition for employees, including meals and dormitory, many kinds of insurance. in the factory there are reading room, ping pang room, chess room, tv room, basketball and badminton field for worker to use. 1992年4月, “piko玩具有限公司”于德国sonneberg成立,它的创始人是piko总裁rené f. wilfer博士。50多年来,piko公司的模型火车一直是行业中的领头羊,是全球著名的生产商,其产品以其真实和细致地复制而闻名,几乎欧洲和美国的每个家庭的铁路爱好者都有piko的产品。 2005月于香港成立比高亚洲有限公司“piko asia limited”。 2007年5月,因发展需要及对中国市场的荣厚兴趣,东莞比高模型制品有限公司于东莞市茶山镇超朗工业区新塘路口成立了中国分公司, 主力生产玩具火车模型,产品100%外销。 于东莞投资成立的中国区分公司,拥有全球最先进的生产设备,如全自动喷油线,2-6色移印设备,自动注塑机、先进的晒版技术及先进的品质检验设备等,为高品质的产品提供有力的保证。同时,公司采用先进的管理模式,拥有一批高质素的管理人材及技术人员,着重为每一位员工提供舒心、安全的工作和生活环境及良好的发展机会,比高公司相信由先进技术为主导的新经济时代将会在中国带来长远和大量的商机,因此,我们致力于“本地化”的管理模式,希望透过策略性的部署和利用现有的长处和优势,欲把公司业务在中国推向一个新领域。 公司实行5天8小时工作制,提供食宿,并为员工提供养老, 医疗及工伤保险, 使员工无后顾之忧,为提升员工的业余文化生活,在公司厂内并设有图书室、乒乓球室、tv室、蓝球场及羽毛球等娱乐设施。查看更多
- 公司名称: 东莞比高模型制品有限公司
- 公司状态: 在业
- 行业: 橡胶和塑料制品业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(外国法人独资)
- 地址: 东莞市茶山镇超朗新塘
- 企业规模: 100-499人
- 法人代表: 威尔福
- 注册资本: 452.7万美元
- 注册时间: 2007年05月14日
- 注册号: 441900400054066
- 统一社会信用代码: 91441900661455133P
- 组织机构代码: 661455133
- 登记机关: 广东省东莞市工商行政管理局
- 注册地址: 东莞市茶山镇超朗新塘
- 营业期限: 2007-05-14至无固定期限
- 核准日期: 2019年03月20日
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