职位类别: 外贸/贸易专员/助理
SUMMARY OF RESPONSIBILITIES: 职责总述 Become the company expert to follow industry and market trends. 成为关注行业和市场动向的专家。 Develop the promotional tools of our future successful products. 开发我们未来成功产品的促销工具。 Ensure that the marketing presentation of our company is outstanding. 确保公司的营销展示是出色的。 Links with International Management in Europe (English speaking) 与欧洲的管理层联系(英语) 更细节的岗位描述如下: DEVELOPMENT : 1.Analyze the product trends in our field by visiting fairs and browsing our competitors offers, found on internet, Alibaba, or WeChat groups. 2.Benchmark offers from competitors or potential suppliers and get samples when needed. 3.Track and record gathered competitors and potential suppliers offers in excel tool. 4.Ensure sourcing and recording of options for personalization (materials, colors, accessories). 5.Keep product and new material/accessories sourcing database active and updated. 6.Define with Top Management the development program of new products. 7.List in details with Product Manager the product definition of the samples to be done. 8.Analyze and Track cost details to ensure that products are within the requested budget. 9.Coordinate with Sample Making team and outside vendors the sampling deadlines. 10.Daily Monitoring of the full development planning of the different projects. Weekly Report. MARKETING : 11.Ensure every information (product samples, pictures, digital information) is neatly filed. 12.Take perfect pictures of the gathered products of materials. 13.Edit these pictures whenever necessary through Photoshop or Illustrator. 14.Supply to Design and Oversea team needed pictures, material swatches and samples. 15.Be active part in the setting up of communication tools on the new products. 16.Prepare with Sample Making team the presentation and selection tools for products options. 17.Coordinate the international fair preparation in for product layout and display environment. 18.Prepare presentation tables of product options and pricing evaluation for Top Management. 19.Shoot production steps of similar products to make slide show or videos. 20.Shoot or supervise small shots of products to feed our international social networks. REQUESTED BACKGROUND: 任职能力要求 1.Capacity of adaptation is more important than a long experience 适应力比经验更重要 2.Clear and organized mind 思路清晰有条理 3.Excellent English (written and spoken) 优秀的英语(书面和口语) 4.Excellent command of Excel and Photoshop 熟练操作Excel和Photoshop 5.Taste and skills for photography 有审美品位及拍照技能 6.Creative mind 有创新思维 7.Mobility (driver’s license) 可外出(有驾驶执照)查看更多
- 年龄要求: 不限
- 语言要求: 英语

东莞市宜思博历包装制品有限公司 服务于香港EXPLORIS(ASIA)LIMITED。EXPLORIS成立于1996年,致力于眼镜包装行业的产品设计、开发及监制,在业内享有盛名。公司拥有庞大的客户群体,遍布世界30个国家,在过去的5年里业绩以两位数比率增长。 现因业务拓展需要,公司开设东莞公司,负责订单的生产、品质保证、进度追踪及发货等事宜。 公司位于东莞石碣镇上,欢迎各位英才踊跃投送简历。 候选人将以邮件形式通知,请确保您的电子邮箱地址正确。查看更多
- 公司名称: 东莞市宜思博历包装制品有限公司
- 公司状态: 在业
- 行业: 造纸和纸制品业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(自然人独资)
- 地址: 东莞市石碣镇西南村东风北路205号三楼
- 法人代表: 赵娜
- 注册资本: 100万人民币
- 注册时间: 2018年05月29日
- 统一社会信用代码: 91441900MA51R2990T
- 组织机构代码: MA51R2990
- 登记机关: 广东省东莞市工商行政管理局
- 注册地址: 东莞市石碣镇西南村东风北路205号三楼
- 营业期限: 2018-05-29至无固定期限
- 核准日期: 2018年05月29日
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手机版: 国际营销及产品开发经理(储备)招聘