职位类别: 质检员/测试员
岗位职责: 1、根据检验资料按标准抽检物料; 2、对物料检验后及时做好标识,并做好检验记录; 3、做好部门5S 任职要求: 1、高中及以上学历, 2、了解塑胶、电子、五金的基本不良,会使用卡尺、万用表等测量治具,有品管工作经验优先;
- 年龄要求: 不限
- 语言要求: 不限
- 所属部门: QAS

东莞依沃特电子有限公司成立于2012年,总部设立在澳大利亚布里斯班,是一家专业制造电子产品的外商独资企业,坐落于东莞清溪镇 — 电子产业高度集群区,空气清新,环境优美。公司主要研发、设计和制造发光二极管照明灯具、照明控制系统、高档家电等智能化的节能产品,产品远销澳、欧各地,使用于高级酒店、商务住宅等,并深得广大客户的信赖。 公司全面实施ISO9001质量管理体系,一直秉诚“竭尽所能,精益求精”的品质理念,不断完善研发、设计、制造、营销等管理系统,提高制造工艺自动化,持续提高产品质量和售后技术支持,建立稳定增长的客户群。成立6年,公司的产品种类已从当初不到10种,扩展至80多种,厂房面积从1500平方米扩建至6000平方米。2016年,公司引进SAP管理系统;2017年,公司开始发售zencontrol智能控制系统,成为智能控制领域的新生力量;2018年,ISO9001管理体系升级至2015版本。2022年荣获“高新技术企业”冠称。 未来,我们深信将会有更长足的发展!我们倡导开拓进取的精神, 重视对员工的培训和员工素质的自我提升,始终坚持以人为本,任人唯贤的用人原则,确保员工的价值得以充分的体现和发挥。公司关心员工的工作和生活,内部关系氛围融洽,期待您加入我们的大家庭! 公司网址:http://www.evolt-ektor.com;https://zencontrol.com/ Company profile Dongguan Evolt Electronics Co., Ltd. was established in 2012, a multinational company with its origins in Australia. We are a 100% foreign owned company specializing in manufacturing electronic products for the lighting and commercial electrical industry. We are located in Qingxi Town, Dongguan City - an electronics epicenter with fresh air and a beautiful environment. Our main scope is the development, design, and manufacture of LED lighting, lighting control systems and smart energy-saving products. Our products are widely sold to the Oceania region, Europe and South Africa. We fully implement the ISO9001 quality system and live up to the “Strive to excel” quality policy. By constantly improving Ru0026D, design and manufacture, Dongguan Evolt continues to develop and win the admiration and loyalty of its customers. In the 6 years since its establishment, Dongguan Evolt has expanded its product range from less than 10 to over 80 and quadrupled its factory size from 1,500 square meters to 6,000 square meters. In 2016, the we introduced the SAP management system; in 2017, we launched the zencontrol intelligent control system, becoming a new force in the field of intelligent control; in 2018, the ISO9001 management system was upgraded to the 2015 version. Won the title of "High paying technology enterprises" in 2022. In the future, we are convinced that there will be more development!We advocate the spirit of pioneering and enterprising, attach importance to the training of employees and the self-improvement of employees, and always adhere to the principle of people-oriented, meritocracy, to ensure that the value of employees can be fully reflected and played. The company cares about the work and life of its employees, and the internal relationship is harmonious. We look forward to your joining our big family! 我们的使命宣言 成为行业龙头不是一蹴而就的,需要通过了解客户并持续研制出超越客户预期的产品才能获得的。随着我们业务的不断发展壮大,我们意识到,客户对品质的期望只会越来越高。在东莞依沃特电子有限公司,我们以生产出满足顾客期望的高品质产品为己任,致力于通过研发和生产可 靠、创新并具有高质量解决方案的产品创造价值。这就是我们“竭尽所能,精益求精”的原因。 OUR MISSION STATEMENT 我们的使命宣言 BEING A LEADER IN OUR FIELD DOES NOT COME EASY. It is earned by understanding our customers and by consistently developing and manufacturing the products that exceed their expectations. As our business continues to evolve, we recognize that our customers’ expectations of quality will only become higher. At Dongguan Evolt, we are truly committed to meeting our customers’ expectations for the quality of the products that we manufacture. We are dedicated to creating value by developing reliable and innovative products that are manufactured with high-quality solutions. This is why we at DG Evolt ‘Strive to Excel’. 公司福利待遇: 1. 均与员工依法签订劳动合同,按国家规定为员工购买社保及商业意外险; 2. 免费提供食宿,住宿3 - 4人/间房,宿舍宽敞明亮,有独立卫生间; 3. 员工享受国家法定有薪假日,凡为公司服务满一年以上者可享受带薪年假5天,表现优秀者可外派国外出差。 4. 公司每月15日准时发上月工资,年终发放奖金,工作环境舒适安全。 公司现因业务发展需要,诚聘大量普工。普工基本工资自2019年1月1日起试用期满为2150元/月,不用交任何押金和押证件。(按劳动法计算加班工资分别为:平时18.53元/小时、周末24.7元/小时、法定假日34.5元/小时) 招聘流程 用人部门提供招聘需求——发布岗位——简历筛选——邮件邀请面试——初试——复试——背景调查——人员录用——录用通知入职指引--办理入职手续。 DG.EVOLT明天的辉煌,期待您的加入! 您明天的成功,源于您英明的选择! 温馨提示: 公司的面试地址指定在清溪镇青皇村振升路图美工业区厂内,请应聘者提高警惕,以免上当受骗! 乘车路线:乘坐810路或清溪5路汽车至清溪青皇路口下,转乘7路汽车至立讯厂站下,往振升路步行约200米到达图美工业园。查看更多
- 公司名称: 东莞依沃特电子有限公司
- 公司状态: 在业
- 行业: 计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(台港澳法人独资)
- 地址: 东莞市清溪镇青皇村图美工业区
- 企业规模: 100-499人
- 法人代表: 米里尼·托德
- 注册资本: 150万
- 注册时间: 2012年07月30日
- 注册号: 441900400182373
- 统一社会信用代码: 914419005989934215
- 组织机构代码: 598993421
- 登记机关: 广东省东莞市市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 东莞市清溪镇青皇村图美工业区
- 营业期限: 2012-07-30至2032-07-30
- 核准日期: 2020年10月27日
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- 热门城市
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- 城市招聘
- 税后工资
- 薪酬测一测
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