职位类别: PMC计划/物控员
岗位职责: 1、负责根据物料需求和物料的库存状况,制定物料申购计划; 2、负责跟催材料到货进展,确保物料准时到货,异常情况及时调整进度计划; 3、负责跟进不合格物料的退货与补货; 4、负责原材料控制与分析; 5、负责库存呆料统计分析与上报,并提出处理建议; 6、负责定期监控原材料库存状况,提出改善方案,持续降低库存; 7、负责配合财务部、资材、生产、业务进行公司整体盘点工作。 任职要求: 1、高中以上学历,2年以上生产物料员工作经验; 2、电脑操作熟练, 3、思路清晰,做事细心,执行能力强; 4、品行端正,服从安排,积极进取; 5、良好的沟通协调能力和团队精神查看更多
- 年龄要求: 不限
- 语言要求: 不限

东莞市特联电子有限公司是一家专业的接线端子连接器生产制造企业,具有丰富的接线端子关键生产技术 , 专注接线端子的研发生产和销售,是光伏储能、光伏逆变、动力储能、新能源、充电桩、户外电源、BMS、电池保护板、电池检测设备、便携式储能等主要接线端子供应商之一。 Dongguan Telian Electronics Co., Ltd. is a professional terminal connector manufacturer and renowned expert in key terminal connector production technologies. Devoted to the research, development, production, and sales of terminal connectors, the company is a major terminal connector supplier serving various use cases, including photovoltaic energy storage, photovoltaic inverters, power storage, new energy, charging stations, outdoor power sources, BMS, battery protection boards, battery testing equipment, portable energy storage, etc. 公司独立完成产品研发设计、模具的设计制造、部件的冲压注塑、产品的组装生产。配备先进的测量检验设备模具制造设备以及高精度五金冲压、塑胶成型设备和产品自动化组装设备。 To couple its capability in independently carrying out product R&D, mold design and manufacturing, component stamping and injection molding, as well as product assembly, Telian Electronics has equipped itself with an arsenal of advanced measuring and inspection equipment, mold manufacturing equipment, high-precision metal stamping and plastic molding equipment, as well as automated product assembly equipment. 公司通过了ISO9001:2015质量管理体系认证、ISO14001:2015环境管理体系认证、ISO/TS16949:2016标准汽车质量管理体系认证。产品具有UL、CE、CQC等安规认证,并符合RoHS欧盟环保标准。公司也为客户设计研发、量身定做,先后为众多知名企业提供安全可靠的电气连接设计方案,满足客户个性化设计和新产品的研发需求。 In terms of credentials, not only has Telian Electronics obtained certifications for quality, environmental, and automotive quality management systems respectively under the ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO/TS 16949:2016 standards, but its product lines have also been verified to fall in line with the likes of UL, CE and CQC safety certifications, as well as the RoHS European environmental standards. The company also offers reliable custom design and development services on the strength of its experience providing safe and reliable electrical connection design solutions to numerous well-known enterprises, as well as catering to their individualized design and new product development needs. 专业的研发团队,承接客户的OEM、ODM制作。不断的为客户创造新价值,成为国内领先,全球知名的接线方案提供商,是我们的目标。 Last but not least, owing to the professional R&D team, the company is also highly confident when it comes to undertaking OEM and ODM projects, as it persistently strives to create new value for customers and rise to the leading ranks of well-reputed connector solutions, both domestically and globally. Those are the ultimate goals of Telian Electronics.查看更多
- 公司名称: 东莞市特联电子有限公司
- 公司状态: 在业
- 行业: 计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
- 地址: 广东省东莞市塘厦镇狮头路91号7号楼101室
- 企业规模: 小于50人
- 法人代表: 许长宏
- 注册资本: 500万人民币
- 注册时间: 2016年09月01日
- 注册号: 441900003356623
- 统一社会信用代码: 91441900MA4UU8680G
- 组织机构代码: MA4UU8680
- 登记机关: 广东省东莞市市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 广东省东莞市塘厦镇狮头路91号7号楼101室
- 营业期限: 2016-09-01至无固定期限
- 核准日期: 2020年06月17日
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