职位类别: 成本会计
1.负责公司的全面财务会计工作(硬性要求:会成本、会免抵退、会函数); 2.负责修订公司现有财务会计制度、规定和办法; 3.解释、解答与公司的财务会计有关的法规和制度; 4.分析检查公司财务收支和预算的执行情况; 5.审核公司的原始单据和办理日常的会计业务; 6.编制销售公司的记账凭证,登记会计账簿; 7.编制公司的会计报表,在每月报送副总及总经理; 8.定期检查销售公司库存现金和银行存款是否帐实相符; 9.不定期检查统计岗位的商品是否帐实相符; 10.承办总经理和财务总监交办的其他工作。 11、薪酬可面议 任职要求: 1.本科以上学历,三年以上大、中型企业财会任职经验; 2.中级以上职称; 3.年龄要求:35-45岁查看更多
- 年龄要求: 不限
- 语言要求: 不限
- 所属部门: 财务部
东莞市博发光电科技有限公司始创于2009年,注册资金RMB1000万元,是一家集研发、生产、销售、服务于一体的制造型企业。 历经10年的稳健发展,博发光电科技已经成为国内最大的异形光电产品生产企业,客户遍布欧洲、美洲、亚洲等世界各地。产品类别涵盖异形装饰灯、LED灯、钨丝灯,是光电行业差异化生产最全面的制造企业之一。 博发光电科技有限公司重视产品质量,通过了ISO9001:2015国际质量管理体系,并拥有多项如CE、UL、SAA、能源之星、ERP等产品安规和能效认证;2017年被中国质量新闻网对博发品牌LED灯饰系列产品确认为“质量先锋展示产品”,以及央视《匠心》栏目展播企业。 近年来,博发光电科技有限公司通过科技创新,不断转型升级引领行业潮流,先后引进全自动封装生产线、专业玻璃制品退火炉、全自动产品老练炉。 于2012年成立研发中心,与华工等高校展开产、学、研合作,提升技术实力,先后获得国内专利(发明、实用新型、外观)60多项,并于2016年度成为国家高新技术企业;产品种类达300多种,形态各异,深受客户好评。 公司现有员工500多人,技术与管理骨干100多人,厂房3万平米;有先进的生产加工线,完善的产品检测设备和专业技术人员,年产值达到2亿元;为了不断适应国际国内市场需求,公司积极推进人才和科技战略,加强企业管理,以提高公司的社会效益和经济效益。 企业使命:为生活增光添彩,为智能贡献智慧。 企业精神:资源终会枯竭,唯有文化生生不息。 企业愿景:成为全球异形光电产品品牌领导者。 企业口号:博大精深,发展无限。 经营理念:把领导交给文化和思想,把决策交给精英和专家, 把管理交给系统和流程。 质量方针:全力满足顾客要求,持续改善工艺细节; 铸就节能环保光源,创造博发专业品牌。 公司网址:www.bofabulb.com 公司地址:广东省东莞市企石镇环企大道28号 Founded in 2009 with a registered capital of RMB 10 millions, Dongguan Bofa Photoelectric Technology Co ., Ltd. is a manufacturing enterprise integrating R u0026 D, production, sales and service. After its steady development for over 10 years, Bofa Photo-electric Technology Co.,Ltd (hereafter referred to as Bofa) has become the largest specially-shaped Photoelectric product manufacturer globally by servicing all the customers through out Europe, America, Asia and other parts of the world. By offering specially-shaped decorative bulbs, LED lights, Tungsten Lights and so on, Bofa is truly the very versaltile producer by differentiating itself from those who are of very limited ranges of products. BOFA has been paying great attention to its product quality by obeying the ISO9001:2015, to its employees by following BSCI and having its products approved by various certificates such as CE, UL, SAA, energy star, Erp etc.... In 2017, Bulbs from Bofa were granted by China Quality News Net as the top quality products and the CCTV media team which is renowned for “Dedicated entrepreneur”set its steps to Bofa to reveal the secrets how a delicate filament bulb is made from zero for its national audiences. These years, Bofa has been upgrading quickly through encouraging new technological innovations and leading the industry trend through designing and installing upgraded automatic production lines quipped with effective annealing furnaces . In 2012, the R u0026 D Center was set up by cooperating with Huagong and other universities to enhance its technological strength and It has so far obtained more than 60 domestic patents (invention, utility models, appearance) , additionally it enables Bofa to become a national high-tech enterprise in 2016 to provide more then 3 hundreds of uniquely-shaped bulb models . In 2019,Bofa has grown its team up to 500 employees and one fifth of which are technologists and administrative staff , all working within the factory of around 30,000 square meters. The strong QC and engineering department is a guarantee to the overseas customers who have been purchasing over 200 million dollars yearly from Bofa. In order to meet up with the challenging requirements from the customers and the global markets, Bofa has been recruiting talents and investing on the Ru0026D, also optimizing its management that would help within socially and economically. Bofa’s Destiny: Get life enrich, Help wisdom grow Bofa Spirit: Resources exhausts, Culture stays. Bofa’s Vision: Global Leader of the specially-filament LED products. Bofa’s Slogan: To enrich within arduously, to succeed outwards limitlessly Operation Principles: Enterprise culture leads, Expert decides, Standard manages. Quality Principle: Provide what customer really needs, Improve technological details, Produce environmentally-friendly lights, Build up brand Bofa. Web: www.bofabulb.com Add: Bofa Building, the 2nd Industrial Park, Xinnan Village, Qishi Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Proince, China.查看更多
- 公司名称: 东莞市博发光电科技有限公司
- 公司状态: 在业
- 行业: 电气机械和器材制造业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
- 地址: 东莞市企石镇新南紫荆工业区
- 法人代表: 涂君
- 注册资本: 1000万人民币
- 注册时间: 2011年04月25日
- 注册号: 441900001045730
- 统一社会信用代码: 9144190057243252XM
- 组织机构代码: 57243252X
- 登记机关: 东莞市市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 东莞市企石镇新南紫荆工业区
- 营业期限: 2011-04-25至无固定期限
- 核准日期: 2016年12月22日
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