职位类别: 仓库经理/主管
Job Purpose: 1、Mainly responsible for the signing and verification of customs booklet, import and export commodity inspection, customs clearance, dealing with the abnormal logistics chain, and establishing good relations with the customs and external management office. Issue instructions and reporting. 2、Responsible for directing and managing warehouse personnel and activities including shipping, receiving, storage and inventory control to achieve operational goals. Responsible for the administration of the warehouse including budgets and cost management. Responsible for warehouse facility and equipment management 3、Need to focus on both inbound & outbound shipments to be delivered on time and Forwarder management, as well as freight cost control effectively for shipping team. Key areas of accountability: Warehouse: 1、Make and monitor department budget. 2、Formulation and implementation of capex and P + Project 3、Review and monitor KPI development. 4、Responsible for daily warehouse management. 5、Push PMC to optimize inventory structure and reduce inventory cost 6、SAP master data filling, testing and exception handling of warehouse module for new project 7、Warehouse training. 8、Optimize warehouse area and improve space utilization 9、Lead or assist other departments to optimize logistics projects, improve logistics efficiency and reduce logistics storage costs 10、Push intelligent, digital warehouse logistics management 11、Support on other relevant issues. Shipping: 1、Logistics service quotation collection. 2、Logistics service supplier management. 3、Monthly Margin report. 4、Control the actual freight within freight budget. 5、Propose an annual logistics budget for activity, and ensure that it is adhered to 6、Optimize relations between the function and the platform team. 7、Establish and monitor the management chart for the function. 8、Coordinate and prioritize the action of all employees involved. 9、Guarantee function internal/external customer satisfaction. 10、Based on the objectives of activity, prepare action plans and coordinate the missions of team in a coherent manner. Customs: 1、Arrange import and export commodity inspection, customs clearance, etc. 2、Responsible for customs declaration, logistics chain exception handling. 3、Responsible for arranging and following up annual labor audit and social insurance. 4、Application, management, modification, and cancellation of customs booklet, update the data of customs booklet in time to keep it running availably and smoothly. 5、Maintain good working relationship with customs, CIQ, government, forwarders, customers, and suppliers. 6、Check up the service charge with customs brokers monthly and deal with the payment issue according to contract. Qualification: 1、Bachelor or above degree. 2、5 years or above working experience in the field of Customs / Warehouse / Shipping Management; 10+ years’ experience in transportation/distribution/Import & Export field/ 3PL company management are preferred; 3、Have the Certificate of Customs Clearance and CIQ; 4、Expertise/Skills: Familiar with SAP system; 5、Able to work with standard office applications (Excel, Word, PowerPoint); 6、Language skills: Good written English and oral English查看更多
- 年龄要求: 不限
- 语言要求: 英语
东莞成谦音响科技有限公司是一家大型的外资企业。 是普瑞姆旗下一家专业生产扬声器系统的喇叭事业部。我们的产品绝大部分应用于迷你﹑微型音响组合及汽车行业﹐同时我们也制造专业用途的扬声器系统。公司自1994年成立以来﹐已陆续通过ISO9000质量管理体系﹑ISO14001环境管理体系﹑TS16949汽车行业质量管理体系及SA8000社会责任体系认证。公司凭借雄厚的专业技术力量和先进的管理理念赢得了路虎﹑宝马汽车﹑奥迪﹑通用﹑SONOS、BOSE等品牌客户的信赖。 公司推崇人性化管理﹐工时﹑薪资﹑假期﹑规章制度等严格按《劳动法》要求执行。 薪资福利待遇﹕ 1.定期对员工进行考核加薪。 2.职工录用后一月内签订《劳动合同》,并为每位员工购买社会保险。 4.每月准时发放工资﹐遇节假日提前1天发放。 5.享有国家法定的有薪假期﹔为公司服务满1年后享有5天有薪假。 6.有完善的培训系统﹐提供公平的晋升机会﹐鼓励职工成长。 7.伙食三荤一素一汤,定期加餐及发放饮料或水果﹐暑期免费提供防暑降温物资。 8.公司设有培训室、阅览室、篮球场、羽毛球场﹑乒乓球﹑桌球等公共设施﹐以供员工学习和休闲娱乐之用。 9.定期组织开展各项文娱活动﹔年终举办福利抽奖活动。 普工:月收入=底薪+加班费+夜班津贴+技能津贴+绩效奖-扣项(月伙食﹑住宿费) 公司地址:东莞市长安镇沙头振安中路683号 乘车路线(详见附件): 于东莞长安镇长安北站乘坐283路至安力科技园站、242路至沙头综合市场站步行几百米即可至公司正门。查看更多
- 公司名称: 东莞成谦音响科技有限公司
- 公司状态: 在业
- 行业: 计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(外国法人独资)
- 地址: 东莞市长安镇沙头社区沙涌路3号
- 企业规模: 500-999人
- 法人代表: 林建立
- 注册资本: 3545.434万港元
- 注册时间: 2006年08月08日
- 注册号: 441900400059837
- 统一社会信用代码: 91441900791188811X
- 组织机构代码: 791188811
- 登记机关: 广东省东莞市市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 东莞市长安镇沙头社区沙涌路3号
- 营业期限: 2006-08-08至无固定期限
- 核准日期: 2020年03月20日
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