职位类别: 税务专员/助理
工作职责 1. To handle VAT issuance. 2. To deal with daily tax routines, such as VAT/CIT calculation and declaration. 3. To communicate with the tax bureau to solve tax queries. 4. To complete other tax-related work assigned by the line manager. 任职资格 1. Tax or Accounting major, general tax and financial knowledge are necessary. 2. Good English skills. 3. Be familiar with Excel etc. Office software. 4. Be familiar with e-tax system.查看更多
- 年龄要求: 不限
- 语言要求: 英语
- 所属部门: 财务部

依视路陆逊梯卡集团是镜片、镜架和太阳镜设计、制造和分销领域的全球领导者。由依视路(成立于1849年)与陆逊梯卡(成立于1961年)两家优势互补的领先企业组成。其中一家是光学镜片尖端技术的引领者,另一家是眼镜设计精湛工艺的缔造者。二者于2018年强强联合,成立了依视路陆逊梯卡集团,树立了视力健康及消费者体验的行业新标杆,其使命是通过满足人们不断变化的视力健康需求和打造个人风格的愿望,帮助世界各地的人们“见深行远”。集团旗下拥有雷朋、欧克利等知名眼镜品牌、万里路和全视线等高科技镜片品牌,以及全球领先的眼镜零售门店品牌Sunglass Hut、亮视点(LensCrafters)和观视界(GrandVision)。 EssilorLuxottica is a global leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of ophthalmic lenses, frames and sunglasses. The Company brings together the complementary expertise of two industry pioneers in 2018, one in advanced lens technology – Essilor(founded in 1849) and the other in the craftsmanship of iconic eyewear – Luxottica(founded in 1961), set new industry standards for vision care and the consumer experience. Its mission is to help people around the world to see more and be more by addressing their evolving vision needs and personal style aspirations. Influential eyewear brands including Ray-Ban and Oakley, lens technology brands including Varilux and Transitions, and world-class retail brands including Sunglass Hut, LensCrafters and GrandVision are part of the EssilorLuxottica family. 陆逊梯卡华宏(东莞)眼镜有限公司是陆逊梯卡集团(该集团于2018年与依视路集团合并为“依视路陆逊梯卡集团”)于1997年在中国广东省东莞市高埗镇投资兴建的眼镜生产基地,是集团目前最大的,唯一拥有全框镜架全品类产品的生产基地,同时也是全球四个服务中心 – 全球亚太物流配送中心、全球IT共享服务中心、GBS亚太区共享服务中心、全球售后服务中心所在地。陆逊梯卡华宏用地面积约24.8万平方米,注册资本1.41亿美元,目前拥有14,000余名员工。专业从事各类中高档金属镜架、胶架、混合架、太阳眼镜、光学眼镜及其零配件的生产,产品主要销往欧洲、北美、亚太等地区。 Established in 1997 in Dongguan, Guangdong province, Luxottica Tristar (Dongguan) Optical Co., Ltd is the eyewear production base of Luxottica (which merged with Essilor in 2018 as EssilorLuxottica). It is currently the largest production base of the group, the only base with a full range of full-frame eyewear products. It contains 4 service centers which offering service to the global or regions: the Global Asia-Pacific Logistics Distribution Center, the Global IT Sharing Service Center, the GBS Asia-Pacific Sharing Service Center, and the Global After-Sales Service Center. Luxottica Tristar (Dongguan) Optical Co., Ltd covers an area of approximately 248,000 square meters with a registered capital of US$141 million. Currently, Tristar employs over 14,000 employees. It specializes in the production of various middle and top grade metal frames, plastic frames, mixed frames, sunglasses, optical glasses, and their accessories. Its products are mainly sold in Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific, and other regions. 作为陆逊梯卡华宏的员工,您将享有: As an employee of Tristar, you can enjoy these benefits as below: 1. 优渥的员工福利 Employee Benefit 企业为员工提供社保、商业保险、住房公积金、免费食宿、上下班车及周末东莞市区购物旅游专线。公司内部设有舞厅、体育公园、篮球场、内部健身房等供员工休闲的设施。此外,还有员工持股计划,年度福利内卖会等。 The company provide favorable welfare system: social insurance, commercial insurance, house fund, free accommodation and meal, regular bus and special express for shopping and travel every weekend. Facilities for employees' leisure, including dance hall, sports park, basketball court, and internal gym. In addition, there are employee shareholding Program and annual internal purchase event ect. 2. 国际化工作氛围 International Working Atmosphere 在这里,你会遇见不同国家和地区的同事,一起共事必将碰撞出精彩的火花! You will meet colleagues from different countries and regions, which will definitely spark amazing ideas and collaborations. 3. 重视人才发展 People Development 完善的职业生涯发展通道和内部晋升机制,助力员工实现个人职业目标,提升工作满意度和幸福感。 The comprehensive career development path and internal promotion system help employees achieve their personal career goals, enhance job satisfaction and happiness. 4. 员工激励文化 Inspiring Culture 各种员工激励措施,包括特殊项目阶段性奖励,内部推荐奖励,线上学习平台奖励,季度优秀员工颁奖等,激发员工的潜能和创造力。 Various incentive mechanisms such as internal reward for special projects, internal talent recommendation, awards for outstanding employees every quarter etc., to inspire employees' potential and creativity. 5. 丰富的文化活动 Abundant Activities 企业定期组织生日会、迎新会、鹊桥会、游园会及各类体育文化赛事等,丰富职工的工作与生活。 Birthday party, welcome party for newcomers, matchmaking party, spring festival garden party and various sports and cultural events. 企业价值观: 我们开拓创新,携传承创未来 We are pioneers, bringing heritage into the future. 我们团结一心,融汇众人之力 We are one, thanks to many. 我们灵活高效,化繁琐为简洁 We are agile, making the complex, simple. 我们满怀热情,化灵感为影响力 We are passionate, turning inspiration into impact. 我们彼此关爱,身有远近心同频 We care, close to all, no matter how far.查看更多
- 公司名称: 陆逊梯卡华宏(东莞)眼镜有限公司
- 公司状态: 存续
- 行业: 仪器仪表制造业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(外国法人独资)
- 地址: 东莞市高埗镇欧邓村
- 企业规模: 10000人以上
- 法人代表: 路易吉.弗兰卡维拉
- 注册资本: 14071.93万美元
- 注册时间: 2002年09月19日
- 注册号: 441900400030042
- 统一社会信用代码: 914419007417490512
- 组织机构代码: 741749051
- 登记机关: 东莞市工商行政管理局
- 注册地址: 东莞市高埗镇欧邓村
- 营业期限: 2002-09-19至2032-09-18
- 核准日期: 2016年10月26日
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