职位类别: 生产项目工程师
岗位职责: 1、负责实验项目测试,数据处理及跟踪; 2、负责产品管理,根据生产计划下达每日生产订单,保证各项生产任务按时完成; 3、负责负责关键原材料的IQC检测,确保大批量生产时,使用的原材料都为合格; 4、负责问题调查,组织与其他部门的沟通和协调。根据前期数据进行分析,设计相关实验,提出解决方案; 5、负责产品调查报告及项目报告的撰写,协助完成相关验证任务及改善项目; 6、负责输出试产报告、工装夹具、产能评估; 7、负责协助主管安排生产计划及PM其他日常工作; 8、负责跨部门的密切合作,做好项目进展记录与客户作沟通,根据客户反馈及时处理。 任职要求: 1、25-45周岁,中专以上学历,身体健康; 2、工作稳定、轻松,工作时间朝九晚五; 3、具备良好的沟通协调能力,熟练使用office办公软件; 4、有较强的组织、协调、执行、沟通能力及人际交往能力; 5、形象气质好,逻辑思维清晰,工作认真负责; 6、有志于从事高薪IT行业;具备良好的团队协作能力; 7、工作踏实、稳定、有管理能力; 8、有无经验者均可,三天之内入职;查看更多
- 年龄要求: 不限
- 语言要求: 不限
- 所属部门: 生产部

Company introduction: Nationbond (Nanhai of Foshan)metal & appliances manufacturing Co., Ltd. was established in 2002.Our company is Hong Kong owned enterprises, headquarters in Hong Kong. We are professional in manufacturing mixer, heaters, juicers and other small kitchen appliances, aluminum pot, barbecue stoves and other metal hardware accessories, specialized in injection molding , die-casting , precision machining and has been dedicated to export for more than 30 years, the products are exported to North America. Our company is located in Yinhe Management District, Danzao Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, has a modern industrial plant, covering about 20,000 square meters; international advanced production equipment, about 20 million U.S. dollars turnover value. In July 2003, we have introduced and implemented the ISO9001: 2000 quality management system, and upgraded to ISO9001: 2008 Edition in 2010. We always insist on "respect, dignity, unity and progress" and grow together with the employees with this management philosophy. We have good accommodation in dorm and cafeteria, year long production requirement, on time payroll (at 30th of every month). And our staff can enjoy the national labor law employee benefits, has a break of 2 to 4 days for production labor while 4 days for office staff. Company benefits: 1. Social insurance 2. 98 days of maternity leave 3. Paid holiday 4. Monthly sport activities 5. Birthday gifts and celebration 6. Wage system:personal piece rate wages or group piece rate wages, more work for more pay and monthly salary can be up to 3000-5500 per month 7. Regular training, including on-site management and specialty job skills; internal recruitment if management positions are vacant 诺信邦(佛山市南海)五金电器制造有限公司成立于2002年,本司属于港商独资企业,总公司驻香港。专业从事搅拌机、热风机、榨汁机等厨房用小家电及铝煲、烧烤炉具及其他五金配件等的生产及贸易业务,并专注于注塑、压铸及机加工等,产品远销美洲。 公司位于广东省佛山市南海区丹灶镇樵丹路西城工业区,拥有现代化的工业厂房,占地20000多平方米;国际先进水准的高、精、尖端的生产设备,年创产值达2000万美元。于2003年7月全面导入和推行了ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证,并于2010年升级为ISO9001:2008版。公司一直坚持以“尊重、自重、团结、进取”的人性化管理理念与员工一起成长。 公司设有标准的员工宿舍、饭堂,公司客源充足(没有淡季),准时于每月30号出粮(发工资),享有国家劳动法规定的员工福利,办公室职员为8小时6天制,生产员工正常生产期间每月休息2~4天。 诺信邦信念:至忠、至义、至信、至勇 诺信邦奉行:德才兼备、唯才是用 诺信邦提倡:数据说话、结果导向 诺信邦相信:找借口的人失败,找方法的人成功。 公司福利: 1.购买社会保险 2.按劳动法规定享有98天产假 3.法定节假日实行带薪休假 4.每月对生日的员工发放一次生日利是,并派发丰富生日礼品 5.公司实行多能工资制度;工资实行单人或集体计件制,多劳多得,月薪可达3000—10000元不等 6.定期进行现场管理及岗位技术培训,管理职位有空缺时从基层培训提升。查看更多
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