职位类别: 储备干部
1、 Job Overview A management trainee is a unique program for cultivating management elites in enterprises. As a trainee, you will have the opportunity to rotate between various departments of the enterprise, gain a deep understanding of various business areas, and develop comprehensive abilities and leadership skills through practice and training. This position focuses on developing your management skills and strategic thinking, laying the foundation for future senior management positions. 2、 Job responsibilities 2.1 Rotation internship As a trainee, you will be arranged to intern in different departments after joining, including production and manufacturing, engineering and product development, marketing, finance, human resources, supply chain, etc. In each department, you will work with various team members to learn their responsibilities and business. Through rotating internships, you will gain comprehensive experience and understand various aspects of the operation and management of the enterprise. 2.2 Participate in the project As a trainee, you will have the opportunity to participate in different projects and gain more comprehensive work experience. These projects involve product development, market research, strategic planning, and other aspects. You will collaborate with team members to solve problems and drive project development. 2.3 Learning and training In the management trainee program, you will receive systematic training, including corporate culture, management skills, industry knowledge, and other aspects. The training will be conducted by professionals within the company and external industry experts to ensure that you have the necessary knowledge and skills. 2.4 Leadership development As a trainee, you will have the opportunity to participate in leadership development projects and develop your leadership and management skills. These projects include leadership lectures, leadership drills, and leadership challenges, aiming to help you enhance your leadership potential and prepare for future senior management positions. 3、 Job requirements 3.1 Academic background Applicants for the position of management trainee should have a bachelor's or master's degree in any major. We encourage candidates with professional backgrounds in industrial engineering, industrial automation, information technology, business management, marketing, chemical technology, and other related fields. 3.2 Comprehensive quality Applicants for the position of management trainee should possess good communication skills, good professional mindset, strong enterprising spirit, teamwork skills, systematic and analytical skills. Understanding and problem-solving skills, as well as sensitivity to business operations and market trends, are also crucial.查看更多
- 年龄要求: 不限
- 语言要求: 不限
- 所属部门: 總經辦
本公司於1990年在香港成立,1995年在東莞長安開設大陸工廠,於2002年搬遷至惠州博羅縣自建廠房,现有员工2000多人,厂房占地面积约60000多平方米;公司现有注塑机200多台,工模部各類设备80多台、高端高速多色絲印機20多台,组装车间拥有1000多名员工的全自动生产线60多条。現正全面推動自動化設備,精益生產,將公司打造成世界級一流的工廠。本公司主要生产耐克、星巴克、迪斯尼、沃尔玛、多普等国际知名品牌的塑膠杯、保溫杯、咖啡水壶等高端飲具及食品容器。 产品銷往歐美,歐洲及亞太地區和國內各大一線城市。公司坚持以人为本,公平、互爱、共存的企业文化氛围;优厚的薪酬福利待遇、良好的培训、晋升机会和发展空间,公司根据业绩情况,每年会有至少一次的调薪机会。公司的宗旨是憑不斷的創新技術與製造質量的產品和服務贏取客戶的長期信任從而喜愛我們製造的產品。吸引更多的專業人才繼續從產品結構及裝飾上帶領潮流,針對以耐用而又環保的要求研發更多安全又輕便的新產品,從產品上不斷創新為用戶帶來生活的美及一起保護環境。期待更專業的您加入我們的團隊! 员工享受福利: 1、住宿:职员享有公寓宿舍; 2、伙食:伙食补贴:20元/天;夜班另外补助津贴16.5元/天; 3、五险一金:公司按当地政府规定为全体员工足额购买五险一金; 4、休假:享受国家法定假期及带薪假期(如婚假、 产假、陪产假、病假、年休假、育儿假、看护假‘、丧假); 5、活动:公司为员工提供丰富多彩的文体活动(每月生日晚会,春节晚会,团体免费旅游)。 上班时间实行计时制,正常上班为每天8小时,每月加班不过36小时,每周至少休息一天。 公司取得多项认证:ISO9001:2015质量体系认证、ISO14000 环境保护认证、ISO45001职安健认证、QS中国食品容器生产许可證等.查看更多
- 公司名称: 奔迈颂怡塑胶钢制品(惠州)有限公司
- 公司状态: 存续
- 行业: 橡胶和塑料制品业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(台港澳法人独资)
- 地址: 广东省博罗县福田镇荔枝墩村二组木头潭(土名)
- 企业规模: 1000-4999人
- 法人代表: 汤建华
- 注册资本: 1680万美元
- 注册时间: 2002年02月04日
- 注册号: 441300400012136
- 统一社会信用代码: 914413227350338156
- 组织机构代码: 735033815
- 登记机关: 博罗县市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 广东省博罗县福田镇荔枝墩村二组木头潭(土名)
- 营业期限: 2002-02-04至2052-02-03
- 核准日期: 2017年11月13日
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