- 不限
- 初中及以下
- 高中
- 中专
- 大专
- 本科
- 硕士及以上
- 不限
- 应届毕业生
- 1~2年
- 2~3年
- 3~5年
- 5~10年
- 10年以上
- 不限
- 小于3K
- 3-4.5K
- 4.5-6K
- 6-8K
- 8-10K
- 10-15K
- 15-20K
- 20-30K
- 30K以上
- 东莞
- 东坑镇
- 品质经理/主管
岗位职责: 1、依照品质标准,组织安排原材料、半成品及成品检验工作; 2、监控生产过程质量,及时发现并解决问题,对不合格品进行处理与跟踪; 3、收集与分析质量数据,定期汇报品质状况,提出改进建议; 4、管理品质小组,培训考核组员,协调跨部门质量事务。 岗位要求: 1、需有车缝、热压、皮具、箱包、运动类行业工作经验; 2、熟悉质量管理体系、行业标准及检验流程,有丰富相关质量管理经验; 3、具备团队管理、沟通协调与问题解决能力,能应对突发质量情况; 4、掌握数据统计分析方法,会使用相关工作软件,工作严谨、责任心强。 -
职位描述 微信扫码分享 职位类别: 品质经理/主管 1. 熟悉品质部门管理及运作,熟悉品质体系验厂,有主导外部审核的相关工作经验 2. 熟悉ISO9000体系,会编制程序文件和检验作业指导书,能主导完成工厂内审和管理评审 3. 能完成日常的质量统计分析,并推行品质改善运作经验 4. 工作认真负责,责任心强,做事细心并有锲而不舍的精神 5. 沟通协调能力强,能有效的进行内外部的沟通,能快速处理客诉问题及跟踪后续改善效果的能力 6. 能看懂英文资料 7. 了解及熟悉圣诞灯饰产品的优先 8. 工作地点:柬埔寨柴桢省国道1 号,亿丰经济特区DEUM POU村,Kandeing Ray公社,Svay Ted区。 9. 公司厂房3万平方,工作、休息环境安静,舒适。 10. 工资面议。 年龄要求: 不限 语言要求: 不限 所属部门: 品质部 -
岗位职责: 1.负责质量管理的全面工作,处理职权范围内的相关质量事务; 2.负责安排相关质量人员(下属)日常工作,并对其工作进行检查和监督; 3.负责制定全面质量管理手册,制定质量检验标准,并组织质量人员实施; 4.负责组织制定质量计划,负责与其他相关部门成员进行研讨,制定改善和提高质量的方案; 5.负责与研发生产部门进行先期策划,对产品的设计和工艺进行审核,避免出现产品质量问题; 6.负责对质量事故进行调查分析,提出处理意见并报领导审批。 任职要求: 1.有塑胶玩具行业工作经验优先(盲盒,潮玩,手办等)。 2.具备良好的沟通、协调和组织能力,熟练使用办公软件。 3.有责任心,抗压能力强。 -
职位描述 岗位职责: 1、质量体系管理:ISO9001和IATF16949体系的建立、推行、落实和认证;质量目标的建立、维护、分解、检查和考评; 2、本部制度、质量手册管理:公司质量手册、程序文件、部门管理制度的编制和更新修订; 3、工作计划管理:质量部年度工作和改进计划的制定、实施与年终总结; 4、产品质量管理:公司产品质量异常的判定、反馈、处理、分析;不合格品的评审、处置;质量改进工作的推行和实施,提升产品合格率;质量数据报表的建立,更新和监控; 5、内审管理:内部审核和管理评审的组织、实施和问题整改跟踪; 6、外审管理:客户验厂及外部审核的组织和准备工作;客诉处理的检查和验证; 7、供应商质量管理:制度、流程建立和实施管理;供应商质量问题的检查和验证;纠正预防措施报告的审核; 8、团队建设、人才培养:对部门人员进行指导;下属工作安排及检查;给客户提供资料的审核;质量例会、体系例会的组织,体系/质量工具的培训。 任职资格: 1、本科及以上学历,具备相关资质职称证; 2、熟悉ISO9001和IATF16949体系建立,5年以上质量管理工作经验; 3、有质量体系从无到有的建设经验,对质量体系审核经验丰富; 4、工作技能:QC七大手法,A3报告,8D报告; 5、有在生产汽车零部件行业工作经验优先; 6、优秀的计划能力、协调能力、沟通表达能力、耐压能力。 -
岗位职责: 1、负责质量管理的全面工作,处理职权范围内的相关质量事务; 2、负责安排相关质量人员(下属)日常工作,并对其工作进行检查和监督; 3、负责制定全面质量管理手册,制定质量检验标准,并组织质量人员实施; 4、负责组织制定质量计划,负责与其他相关部门成员进行研讨,制定改善和提高质量的方案; 5、负责与研发生产部门进行先期策划,对产品的设计和工艺进行审核,避免出现产品质量问题; 6、负责对质量事故进行调查分析,提出处理意见并报领导审批。 任职要求: 1、大专及以上学历,具备良好的沟通、协调和组织能力,熟练使用办公软件; 2、有制造型企业,产品或原材料品质检查经验等品质管理工作经验者优先录用。 -
1、cable线材、USB数据线材、耳机线材电线行业品质管理工作5年以上,3年以上同职工作经验; 2、熟悉进料、制程、出货检验的相关流程和QC七大手法; 3、熟悉客诉处理流程及8D报告回复; 4、具有较强的管理、沟通协调能力; 5、具有丰富的现场品质管理或供应商管理工作经验; 6、有ISO9001/ISO14001内审员资格证者优先。 -
岗位职责: 1、负责质量管理的全面工作,处理职权范围内的相关质量事务; 2、负责安排相关质量人员(下属)日常工作,并对其工作进行检查和监督; 3、负责制定全面质量管理手册,制定质量检验标准,并组织质量人员实施; 4、负责组织制定质量计划,负责与其他相关部门成员进行研讨,制定改善和提高质量的方案; 5、负责与研发生产部门进行先期策划,对产品的设计和工艺进行审核,避免出现产品质量问题; 6、负责对质量事故进行调查分析,提出处理意见并报领导审批。 任职要求: 1、20-35岁,大专及以上学历,具备良好的沟通、协调和组织能力,熟练使用办公软件; 2、有大中制造型企业,产品或原材料品质检查经验等品质管理工作经验者优先录用; -
任职要求: 1、大专以上学历,包装印刷行业5年以上品质管理工作经验,熟悉行业品质标准。 2、熟悉社会责任、ISO管理体系,能独立承担体系认证工作。 3、良好职业素养和沟通协调能力,能担任起分公司的品质体系搭建。 4、有护照优先,能接受外派,具备英语读写能力优先。 -
Quality Control & Assurance: • 1.Formulate the annual work plan and management objectives of the quality department according to the company's annual business policy and objectives; • 根据公司的年度经营方针目标,制订品质部的年度工作计划及管理目标; • 2.Decompose the department's annual policy targets into monthly/weekly work plans and implement them effectively; Summarize and review the work of the department regularly • 将部门年度方针目标分解到月/周工作计划,并进行有效落实;定期对本部门工作进行总结与检讨; • 3.According to the management requirements of the company, formulate the rules and regulations of the quality management procedures, and implement the supervision and implementation, and improve the quality management system of the company • 根据公司经营管理要求,制订各项品质管理流程,并落实监督执行,健全公司品质管理体系; • 4.Lead quality improvement meeting and customer complaint cause analysis, action plan, improvement meeting • 主持品质改善会议以及客户投诉的原因分析、对策、改善会议; • 5.Responsible for the review of personnel adjustment procedures such as hiring, promotion, interview and assessment, personnel transfer, resignation, etc • 负责员工聘用、晋升、转正的面试及考核、人员调动、离职等人事调整手续的审核工作; • 6.Responsible for the formulation of staff training and development plans, and organize the implementation of various training projects; • 负责制订公司员工培训和发展计划,并组织落实各项培训项目; • 7.Organize and implement quality management plan for new products, new projects and customer requirements • 组织建立并实施新产品、新项目及客户要求质量管理计划; • 8.Participate in the development, audit, review, coaching of new suppliers and confirm that the supplier system and quality meet the requirements and continue to improve; • 参与新供应商的开发,审核,评审,辅导以及确认供应商体系和品质符合要求并继续改进; • 9.Lead and cooperate with relevant departments to carry out statistical analysis of internal and external quality anomalies (including customer complaints), and promote continuous quality improvement; • 主导和协同相关部门对内外品质异常(含客诉)进行统计分析,推动品质持续改善; • 10.Lead the quality team to work closely with the cross-functional team to continuously promote the product quality performance and ensure the achievement of quality objectives; • 领导品质团队与跨职能团队紧密合作,持续推进产品质量表现确保质量目标达成; • 11.Organize daily quality management, guide and supervise and train subordinates, improve department operation efficiency and staff quality; • 组织品质日常管理工作、指导和监督和培训下属工作,提高部门运作效率和提升人员素质; • 12.Review and correspond to important customers audit; • 重要客户审核对应; • 13.Prepare annual quality cost budget and supervise its implementation; Strictly control the expenditure of various expenses and confirm the scope of cost allocation; • 编制年度品质费用预算,并监督实施;严格控制各项费用支出,确认费用分摊范围; • 14.Responsible for the task allocation, guidance, training, supervision, assessment, reward and punishment and personnel deployment of the department staff; • 负责本部门员工的任务分配、指导、培训、监督、考核、奖罚和人员调配; • 15.Responsible for other work assigned by the leader. 负责领导交办的其他工作事项。 1. Bachelor's degree or above 本科或以上学历 2.Document writing and communication skills: document writing ability is strong, good writing; Excellent presentation and communication skills. 公文写作、沟通能力要求:公文写作能力强、文笔佳;优秀的表达、沟通能力; 3.Proficient in using office software. Proficient in English reading, listening, speaking and writing熟练使用电脑办公软件。英文听说读写熟练。 4. 8 years relevant industry and relevant role working experiences. 8年以上相关行业及相关岗位工作经验。 5. 3 years of accessories of consumer electronic products (such as mobile phone case, tablet cover, laptop backpack) and other relevant industry working experience is preferred. 3年以上消费电子产品配件如手机套、平板套、电脑包等行业相关工作经验优先录取。 6.Strong sense of responsibility, honest and dedicated, results oriented. Good at communication, proactive and teamwork spirit, able to propose intelligent and rational solutions to different problems 。 责任心强、诚实敬业、结果导向. 善于沟通 , 积极主动有团队合作精神,能够针对不同问题提出睿智、理性的解决方案。 7.Charming management, good negotiation skills and organization & coordination skills. 有管理魅力,良好的谈判能力及组织协调能力 8.Ability to build efficient team and develop subordinates and others 有组建高效团队能力,可以培养下属及其他人员 -
职位概要(Job summary): 管理公司内部的微生物实验室和化学实验室,组织完成医疗器械的检验工作,确保检验结果的准确性和有效性。主要工作包括对产品、环境、原材料、内包材、工艺用水等进行无菌检查、微生物限度检查、细菌内毒素检查。 Manage the internal microbiology laboratory and Chemical laboratory of the company, organize the completion of medical device inspection work, and ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of inspection results. The main responsibilities include conducting aseptic testing, microbial limit testing, and bacterial endotoxin testing on products, environment, raw materials, internal packaging materials, process water, etc. 工作职责(Responsibilities): 1. 实验室管理:负责微生物实验室和化学实验室的日常管理和运营,确保实验室各项工作符合GMP、药典和其他相关法律法规,以及公司质量体系等的相关要求。 Laboratory Management: Responsible for the daily management and operation of Microbiology and Chemical laboratories, ensuring that all laboratory work complies with GMP, pharmacopoeia, and other relevant laws and regulations, as well as company quality management system and other related requirements. 2. 文件管理:负责起草、修订相关文件,并对现有文件提出改进及优化,确保实验室管理的规范化和标准化。 Document management: Responsible for developing and revising relevant documents, and provide improvement and optimization for existing documents to ensure the standardization and normalization of laboratory management. 3. 方法验证:对新产品进行检验方法的摸索及方法学验证,确保检验方法的科学性和可靠性,包括无菌检查、微生物限度检查、细菌内毒素检查等方法的开发、验证和实施。 Method validation: Develop and validate the testing methods for new products, ensuring the scientific and reliable nature of the testing methods, including the development, validation, and implementation of methods such as sterility testing, microbial limit testing, and bacterial endotoxin testing. 4. 检验任务:负责微生物实验室和化学实验室的检验任务,包括对产品、原材料、内包材、环境、工艺用水等的无菌、微生物限度、内毒素、阳性实验和菌种鉴定, 以及对产品的不溶性微粒检测和EO/ECH残留检测、对工艺用水的化学检验等。 Inspection tasks: Responsible for the inspection tasks of microbiology laboratory and chemical laboratory, including sterility, microbial limits, endotoxins, positive experiments and strain identification of products, raw materials, internal packaging materials, environment, process water, etc., as well as insoluble particle detection and EO/ECH residue detection of products, chemical inspection of process water, etc. 5. 环境监测:负责洁净区的环境监测计划的制定及日常监测,统计和分析数据。 Environmental Monitoring: Responsible for environmental monitoring plans for clean areas, conducting daily monitoring, and collecting and analyzing data. 6. 团队管理:负责对检验人员进行岗位培训和技术指导、监督、管理 。 Team management: Responsible for providing job training, technical guidance, supervision, and management to inspection personnel. 7. 设备管理:参与微生物实验和化学实验相关的仪器设备及计算机化系统的验证及管理工作。 Equipment management: Participate in the validation and management of instruments, equipment, and computerized systems related to microbiological and chemical experiments. 8. 物料管理:负责实验室的各类物料管理,包括样品、菌种、生物指示剂、培养基、试剂耗材等。 Material Management: Responsible for managing various materials in the laboratory, including samples, strains, biological indicators, culture media, reagents, consumables, etc. 9. 数据分析和异常处理:对关键检测数据进行定期的趋势分析,对相关检验过程中出现的偏差、OOS/OOT等实验室异常的调查处理。 Data analysis and anomaly handling: Conduct regular trend analysis on key detection data, investigate and handle laboratory anomalies such as deviations and OOS/OOT that occur during the relevant inspection process. 任职资格(Qualification) : 1. 教育背景:全日制本科及以上学历,生物工程、微生物、医药、应用化学等相关专业。 Education background: Full time bachelor's degree or above, major in biotechnology, microbiology, medicine, applied chemistry, or related fields. 2. 工作经验:5年及以上相关医疗器械行业微生物实验室工作经验,熟悉中美欧GMP和CHP/USP/EP药典对无菌和微生物控制的相关技术和方法要求,包括微生物限度检查、无菌检查、细菌内毒素检查等,能够独立编写微生物相关SOP、方案报告; 熟悉各类检验仪器的使用和维护; 有医疗器械无菌检验员证书。 Work experience: more than 5 years relevant experience in microbiology laboratories in the medical device industry, familiar with the technical and methodological requirements for sterility and microbiological control in the GMP and CHP/USP/EP pharmacopoeias of China, the United States, and Europe, including microbiological limit testing, sterility testing, bacterial endotoxin testing, etc., Able to independently write microbiology related SOPs, protocol and reports; Familiar with the use and maintenance of various inspection instruments; Has a certificate as a sterile inspector for medical devices. 3. 技能要求:有团队管理经验,具备良好的组织管理、计划、协调和沟通能力,问题分析和解决能力,能够有效地管理团队和实验室的日常运营;需要具备风险规避和防范意识,确保实验室工作的安全和质量 。 Skills required: Have team management experience, good organizational management, planning, coordination, and communication skills, problem analysis and resolution abilities, and be able to effectively manage the daily operations of teams and laboratories; Risk avoidance and prevention awareness are required to ensure the safety and quality of laboratory work. 4. 英语技能:CET-4以上,具备英文听说读写能力,能阅读国外药典和标准。 English skills: CET-4 or above, with English listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities, able to read foreign pharmacopoeias and standards. -
Job Summary: The Senior Manager of Quality Engineering will lead the quality assurance efforts in the manufacturing process for medical devices, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and internal procedures. This role is responsible for overseeing all validation activities related to equipment, processes, software, and systems in the development and manufacturing of medical devices. This role involves driving the implementation of quality initiatives, improving product quality, and maintaining high standards across the manufacturing process. The Senior Manager will collaborate closely with cross-functional teams, including manufacturing, engineering, and also with customers, to ensure products are consistently produced in compliance with FDA, ISO 13485, and other relevant standards. Key Responsibilities: 1. Leadership & Strategy: 1) Lead and mentor the Quality Engineering teams (NPI, Mass production and Validation), providing guidance, support, and development opportunities. 2) Develop validation strategies and plans in alignment with company goals, industry regulations, and best practices. 3) Develop and implement strategies to continuously improve manufacturing quality processes and reduce non-conformances. 4) Collaborate with manufacturing and engineering teams to ensure products meet quality standards throughout the production lifecycle. 2. Manufacturing Quality Management: 1) Oversee the implementation and maintenance of quality systems, ensuring compliance with all applicable regulatory and quality standards (FDA, ISO 13485,etc.). 2) Lead quality activities during manufacturing processes, including process validations, qualification of equipment, and verification of production lines. 3) Establish and monitor key quality metrics (KPIs) to assess the effectiveness of manufacturing quality processes. 4) Implement and manage non-conformance and CAPA (Corrective and Preventive Action) processes to ensure timely resolution of issues. 3. New Product Introduction (NPI): 1) Collaborate with Customers and Engineering teams to ensure the successful transfer of new products from development to manufacturing. 2) Develop and validate processes and systems to ensure new products meet regulatory and quality requirements during scaling up for mass production. 3) Participate in Design for Manufacturing (DFM) reviews to identify potential manufacturing and quality issues early in the product development process. 4. Mass Production: 1) Manage and maintain quality systems to ensure consistent product quality during high-volume manufacturing 2) Develop and monitor key production quality metrics (KPIs) such as defect rates, ***-pass yield, and scrap rates, ensuring continuous improvement. 3) Implement process controls and risk mitigation strategies to minimize quality issues during mass production. 4) Ensure timely investigation, root cause analysis, and resolution of any production related quality issues, including non-conformance reports (NCRs) and deviations 5) Drive continuous improvement initiatives aimed at enhancing product quality and operational efficiency within the manufacturing environment. 5. Validation Management 1) Oversee the creation, execution, and approval of validation master plans, validation protocols for equipment, processes, software, and systems, ensuring alignment with regulatory and industry standards. 2) Manage Process Validation (IQ, OQ, PQ), Equipment Validation, Cleaning Validation, and Computer System Validation (CSV) activities. 3) Ensure all validation documentation is accurate, complete, and in compliance with applicable regulations, including the preparation and approval of validation plans, reports, and protocols. 4) Implement risk-based validation approaches using tools such as Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) to ensure that critical risks are identified and mitigated. 6. Regulatory & Compliance: 1) Ensure manufacturing operations comply with all regulatory requirements, including FDA 21 CFR Part 820, ISO 13485, and other applicable standards. 2) Lead audits related to manufacturing quality processes, including internal audits and external audits (customer audits and regulatory inspections). 3) Ensure proper documentation and records management related to manufacturing quality systems. 7. Collaboration & Communication: 1) Act as the primary interface between the quality engineering team and other departments, including Supply chain, Engineering, Materials etc. 2) Provide regular updates to senior management on key quality metrics, project status, and any critical issues affecting production quality. Qualifications: 1. Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Life Sciences, or a related field. 2. Minimum of 10 years of experience in quality engineering within the medical device industry, with a focus on manufacturing. 3. Proven leadership experience, with at least 3-5 years of managing teams. 4. In-depth knowledge of FDA regulations, ISO 13485, and GMP requirements in -
工作职责(Responsibilities): 1. 负责组织编制产品质量提高、改进、管理、计量管理等工作计划。 Responsible for plan of quality continuous improvement and manage the calibration and measurement. 2. 组织实施、检查、协调、考核,及时处理和解决各种质量问题。 Organize to investigate, check, co-ordinate and solve various quality problem. 3. 负责对公司产品、工作和服务质量进行监督、检查、协调和管理。 Responsible for product quality, workmanship quality and service quality check and co- ordination. 4. 定期组织质量检查员、计量员、等岗位的质量教育培训,强化质量管理,提高公司全员质量 意识和质量管理水平。 Organize the training of quality inspector, measurement people periodically, enhance quality concept and achieve total quality management. 5. 客户反馈和投诉的处理,分析具体问题所在,协调问题处理。 Customer feedback and complaint handle investigate the root cause and drive for corrective and preventive actions. 6. 新产品导入的质量控制,跟踪实际生产质量。 NPI quality control, to follow the actual process quality. 7. 建立通用检验标准;并保证标准的落实情况。 Create a universal inspection standard; and follow the implementation. 8. 可靠性测试和确保质量体系有效文件,维护公司质量体系有效运行。 Responsible for product reliability and responsible for QMS implementation and effectiveness. 9. 根据预定的标准最终放行成品以及处理任何产品相关的不符合项。 Finished goods final release based on defined quality criteria and handle any product related nonconformity. 10. 处理上级交办的其他事宜。 Deal with other assignments assigned by superior. 任职资格(Qualification) : 教育背景(Educational background): ◆ 本科及以上学历,理工科类专业优先 Bachelor degree or above, the science and engineering is preferential 工作经验(Work experience): ◆ 3年以上相关工作经验. Above 3 years relative work experience -
面试地址:东莞市东坑镇寮边头村 岗位职责: 1、协助组织工厂各项质量目标(产品质量、生产工艺、部门流程等)的完成; 2、负责对检验员工作的指导、监督、调配、考核; 3、负责品质部检验人员的日常教育和检验培训工作; 4、确定控制程序和必要的工装,确保过程质量和最终检验的控制; 5、协调相关部门对质量问题进行分析,并监督改善措施的执行情况和效果; 6、持续监控所有质量目标的进展,履行必要的改进措施; 7、制定检验作业指导书,5S的现场管控与区域的规划 8、负责产品相关质量文件和记录的维护和控制。 任职资格 1、高中或以上学历; 2、会调试三次元,有5年以上相关岗位工作经验; 3、熟悉ISO9000及IATF14969汽车质量管理体系;了解ISO9000质量体系在企业的运作方法;了解产品工艺流程;熟悉运用质量管理工具及方法,如6sigma等; 4、具有国家审核员资格; 5、熟练使用办公软件; 6、具备良好的沟通、协调和组织能力,有较强的分析解决问题能力; 7、有五年以上五金厂行业品质检查和品质管理工作经验。 -
职位描述 1、负责公司质量规划及质量制度建设,质量体系建立及维护,质量目标和方针的确立 2、负责公司全过程品质监控并组织实施,包括供应商评估及管理;进料品质监控及提升;新产品导入量产品质监控;量产制程品质管理及优化;可靠性检测及合格性保障;测量设备的计量管理; 3、负责监督客诉、客退处理,改善推动及落地跟踪; 4、负责召开各种重要品质会议,组织并协调各部处理重大品质问题; 5、负责召开品质例会,质量目标绩效达成的检讨及改善; 6、负责品质部全面工作的指导、监管、核准与总结; 7、负责培训、提升团队成员分析、解决问题的能力,完善品质团队梯队建设; 8、负责高效达成上级交办事项。 职位要求 1、30-42岁,大专以上学历,5年以上制造行业品质管理工作经验; 2、具备良好的分析、沟通、协调能力及语言组织能力及抗压能力; 3、从事压铸品质管理行业; 4、有压铸铝合金手机中板工作经验者优先。 5、有5年汽配压铸件相关经验。 -
岗位职责: 1、质量体系管理:ISO9001和IATF16949体系的建立、推行、落实和认证;质量目标的建立、维护、分解、检查和考评; 2、本部制度、质量手册管理:公司质量手册、程序文件、部门管理制度的编制和更新修订; 3、工作计划管理:质量部年度工作和改进计划的制定、实施与年终总结; 4、产品质量管理:公司产品质量异常的判定、反馈、处理、分析;不合格品的评审、处置;质量改进工作的推行和实施,提升产品合格率;质量数据报表的建立,更新和监控; 5、内审管理:内部审核和管理评审的组织、实施和问题整改跟踪; 6、外审管理:客户验厂及外部审核的组织和准备工作;客诉处理的检查和验证; 7、供应商质量管理:制度、流程建立和实施管理;供应商质量问题的检查和验证;纠正预防措施报告的审核; 8、团队建设、人才培养:对部门人员进行指导;下属工作安排及检查;给客户提供资料的审核;质量例会、体系例会的组织,体系/质量工具的培训。 任职资格: 1、本科及以上学历,具备相关资质职称证; 2、熟悉ISO9001和IATF16949体系建立,5年以上质量管理工作经验; 3、有质量体系从无到有的建设经验,对质量体系审核经验丰富; 4、工作技能:QC七大手法,A3报告,8D报告; 5、有在生产汽车零部件行业工作经验优先; 6、优秀的计划能力、协调能力、沟通表达能力、耐压能力。 -
岗位职责: 1、对接大客户,产品测量对标,风险评估,工序标准设定,检验人员培训,大客户及EMS工厂客诉处理,客户审核对应。 2、大客户新产品转量产问题跟进,专案主导,产品上量阶段直通率的提升。 任职要求: 1、本科学历,26-38岁; 2、5年及以上品质相关工作经验,精通品质各种体系(VDA6.3/16949); 3、技能:会CAD、有6sigma绿带及以上证书; 4、有负责华为、中兴、BYD等专案经验者优先。