职位类别: 压铸工
1、负责生产现场的“6S”的实施、保持、并持续改进 2、负责检查油压是否在规定范围内液压系统有无泄漏情况,冷却水流量、 压力、温度是否符合工艺要求 3、负责装模具~检查其是否牢固 4、严格按工艺规程操作 5、负责生产过程中各种记录的按时、准确的填写 6、保证安全生产,并保质、保量完成各项生产任务 7、负责压铸过程中产品的自检 8、身体健康,能吃苦耐劳,服从上级安排的任务 9、素质较高,遵从各项厂纪厂规 10、薪资结构:基本工资+计件工资制,熟手月薪平均7500-10000+查看更多
- 年龄要求: 25-45岁
- 语言要求: 不限
深圳市超盛金属制品有限公司创立于2000年,法人代表:王海艇,注册资本:1千万元,年产值2亿以上。公司现有占地面积30000平方米,厂房自建,主要经营:铝、锌合金制品压铸生产,以及模具的开发和设计及产品CNC加工等。公司旗下:深圳市公仁模具厂和公仁精密五金厂两家公司。 完善的生产设备主要有:日本进口冷室压铸机,台湾冷室压铸机,台湾热室压铸机,CNC数控车床多台等,配套设备:日本全自动攻丝机,台湾攻丝机数台,研扫机等,自备 350KW 美国康明斯发电机等动力设备。 公司原料及产品全部通过TUV及SGS认证。公司现有研发部、工程部、工模部、品管部、仓储部、压铸部、加工部等完善的管理部门,及拥有强有力的压铸成型生产能力,良好的管理系统为公司产品品质控制打下一个优质的基础。 公司非常注重人才的培养和引进,为超盛的快速发展源源不断地提供了强大的动力源泉。为了确保产品的加工精度,公司引进瑞典三坐标大型测量仪等检验、检测设备,实施全过程的质量监控、保证产品的每一个环节都能达标,确保产品出厂合格率。在2004年超盛就通过了ISO9001:2000认证。我们的品质政策是:品质***,顾客至上,精诚团结,持续改善 “ 千里之行始于足下”,经过十几年的发展,超盛已成为业内知名的品牌。设有功能齐全的组织架构,拥有完善的模具加工中心和压铸成型生产车间。产品广泛用于汽车、摩托车、电子通讯、炊具、电器、灯具、五金、家具,汽车ABS阀体等行业,家电铝外壳、家用绞肉机压铸数量全球***,获得了国内众多高端用户的信任并与其建立了长期稳固的合作关系。 超盛不是***的,但超盛是专业的。 The Shenzhen Chaosheng Metal Co., Ltd. was founded in 2000, the Legal Representative: Wang Haiting. Registered capital: 10 million yuan .Our company covers annual output value of more than 200 million Yuan. Our company covers an area of 30,000 square meters. The workshop is all by ourselves. We mainlyengaged in: aluminum alloy and zinc alloy products of die-casting and production, as well as mold development and design and product CNC machining. The other two adjunct companies:Shenzhen Gongren Mold Factory and GongrenPrecision Hardware Factory. Perfect production equipment: Japan imported cold chamber die casting machine, *** cold chamber die casting machine, the *** hot chamber die casting machine, CNC lathes, multiple ancillary equipment: automatic tapping machine, tapping machine in *** several grinding and cleaning machines and other self-350KW Cummins Generator and other power equipment. Our raw materials and products all have been passed of TUV, and SGS certification.Our company is divied into R&D department, Engineering Department,the Department of mold, Improve the management of the Quality control department, warehousing department,Die-casting department, CNC machining workshop,and has a strong die-casting production capacity,good management system to laya good foundation for the company’s products quality control. We attach importance to the trainning and the introduction of talent,and continue to provide a powerful source of power for the rapid development of Chaosheng. Inspection in order to ensure the accuracy of product processing company in sweden three-coordinate measuring machine, means of detection,the implementation of quality control of the whole process,to ensure that every aspect of the products standards, In 2004, the Chaosheng obtained ISO9001: 2000 certificate. Our quality policy: quality first,customer first, solidarity, continuous improvement A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. After more than ten years of development, Chaoshenghas become a well-known brand in the industry. It has fully functional organizational structure, has the perfect mold processing center and die-casting production workshop. The products are widely used in automobile, motorcycle, electronic communications, cooking utensils,electrical appliances, lighting, hardware, furniture, automotive ABS body and other aluminum alloy and zinc alloy accessories.Aluminum appliances shell. Household meat grinder Die Casting number of the world's first domestic many high-end user trust and establish a long-term stable cooperative relations. Chaosheng is not the best, but Chaosheng is a professional.Chaosheng die-casting,professional and designed die-casting.查看更多
- 公司名称: 深圳市超盛金属制品有限公司
- 公司状态: 存续
- 行业: 金属制品业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司
- 地址: 深圳市宝安区石岩街道办塘坑工业区2号
- 企业规模: -
- 法人代表: 王海艇
- 注册资本: 100万人民币
- 注册时间: 2005年04月06日
- 注册号: 440306103234794
- 统一社会信用代码: 91440300772737088M
- 组织机构代码: 77273708-8
- 登记机关: 深圳市市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 深圳市宝安区石岩街道办塘坑工业区2号
- 营业期限: 2005-04-06至5000-01-01
- 核准日期: 2023年05月11日
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