职位类别: 其它销售业务类
主要职责/工作 1、积极拜访及开发新客户,向潜在客户推销公司产品,提升公司销售业绩。 2、除了建立新的客户网络外,亦需与现有客户保持良好关系,了解市场最新需求,以及对现有产品的意见回馈供公司参考与改善。 3、2025年中旬上班地点为:江苏淮安涟水县查看更多
- 年龄要求: 不限
- 语言要求: 不限
- 所属部门: 销售部
公司简介 东莞市日隆食品公司为香港宏力国际有限公司下属企业,1993年成立,位于国内强镇之首的东莞市虎门镇,厂房 面积超过15000平方米。拥有先进的生产设备和一支经验丰富的技术和管理队伍,确保了日隆食品厂高效率、高质量的 生产能力和产品的市场性、创新性,公司主要以生产燕麦片为主,另包括虾片、面制品、调味料、农副产品等。 2002年成立了专业的从毛粮至燕麦片的生产线, 根据客户需求提供进口燕麦片和国产燕麦片; 2003年企业顺利通过了HACCP质量控制体系以及出口企业卫生注册等认证,建立了质量安全管理体系并持续保持; 2004年在内蒙集宁成立内蒙古宏力食品有限公司,专业加工国产燕麦粒和燕麦片; 2005年增加澳麦原粮脱壳生产线; 2008年扩建澳麦原粮脱壳生产线及燕麦片加工生产线。 企业燕麦片销售逐渐扩大,不断开发新客户还与国际大型或国内知名食品企业建立长期联系。拥有多个品牌,包括 理想牌、鹰山牌、明辉牌、泛洋牌。公司一直秉承“优质、诚信”的服务理念,通过坚持“不断开发新品,提升产品质量, 加强服务理念”的管理方针,赢得了国内外各地代理商的认同和信赖。 COMPANY INTRDUCTION Donnguan Humen Rilong Food Fty. was founded in 1993 as a subsidiary of Hong Kong Ranick International Ltd. We are located in Humen County of Donnguan City, China and occupy over 15,000 sq. meters of production plant. Our business started out as a manufacturer, wholesaler, importer and exporter. With our highly efficient and experienced manufacturing teams worker alongside with our professional quality control management technicians, we guarantee all our products in the market are with the best quality. Oat products are the main product of our company. Other products we specialize in are shrimp chips, noodle, sago, seasonings products and more. In 2002, we began our oat production line in processing raw oats to rolled oats due to an increase demand for both imported and domestic manufactured oats from customers. In 2003, we perfected our quality and safety management system. This led to our company in acquiring the HACCP quality control and Corporate Health and Safety Export Certificate. In 2004, we established a base for production of domestic oat in Inner Mongolia, China. In 2005 and 2008 respectively, we have added new production lines and expanded our existing production lines for Australian imported oats to meet the high demand of our clients. Sales of oats are continuing to increase in the market which attracted both domestic and international customers. Currently we also carry a variety of brands such as IDEAL, BRILLIANT, EAGLE MOUNTAIN, and PAN PACIFIC. You will find our products on the shelves of major supermarkets in Asia and North America. We are committed to our customers by providing quality products and service, which in turn earns their trust and help in building mutual lifetime business relationship with them. Through persistent and continuous research and development, we will strive to maintain the superior quality of our products. Along with excellent service and management, we will uphold our leading reputation in the food industry both locally and globally.查看更多
- 公司名称: 东莞市日隆食品有限公司
- 公司状态: 在业
- 行业: 食品制造业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
- 地址: 东莞市虎门镇南栅六区民昌路七巷2号
- 企业规模: 100-499人
- 法人代表: 单志超
- 注册资本: 950万人民币
- 注册时间: 2011年05月11日
- 注册号: 441900001061526
- 统一社会信用代码: 91441900574511977M
- 组织机构代码: 574511977
- 登记机关: 广东省东莞市市场监督管理局
- 注册地址: 东莞市虎门镇南栅六区民昌路七巷2号
- 营业期限: 2011-05-11至无固定期限
- 核准日期: 2020年09月18日
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- 热门城市
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- 税后工资
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